Life in Poland

in Poland

You will find here answers to many questions that bothered foreigners, who came to live in Szczecin. We will suggest you i.a. how to sign your children to kindergarten or school, how to find a doctor or rent a flat, or where you can find support in difficult situations.

Frequently asked questions

The holiday season is slowly coming to an end. The second half of August is associated with the
return from vacation and it is high time to decide to whom we will give our toddler in care while we
ourselves are at work.
The city of Szczecin attaches great importance to helping parents take care of their children.
Nurseries and Children’s Clubs are places that are subject to continuous development, whether
through the construction of new facilities or through the expansion of those in operation. Children
are provided with care, a family atmosphere and developmental activities adequate to the 1-3 age
group. Importantly – a weekly menu is posted on the nurseries websites every week. Such
information is important for parents whose children have special dietary recommendations.
It is important to note that enrollment in nurseries and children’s clubs is not time-limited, so the
application for admission of our child can be submitted throughout the year. It is enough to fill out a form and send it in a convenient electronic form to the address given on the website, or fill out a
paper application directly at the selected institution. The parent receives a login and password with
which he or she will receive all information related to the presumed date of admission of the child to the institution.
More information:

The vacations are approaching fast. This is a free time for the youngest, but not necessarily for their parents. It is not always possible to go away, and educational institutions remain closed during this period. In such a case, half-schools are ideal.

An active form of leisure is offered by the organizers of semi-colonies in Netto Arena. From Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, under the supervision of educators, a lot of attractions await children.

Children from 5 -13 years old will be able to participate in judo, gymnastics, soccer and roller skating classes. In addition, music classes, workshops, format games and many other creative activities are planned. When the weather permits – there will be no shortage of visits to Szczecin’s swimming pool.

Children will be guaranteed two meals – second breakfast and lunch. The cost of participation is PLN 750.

Registration has already begun, so it is worth taking a look at the website:

The beginning of March is a hectic time for caregivers of the youngest children. On March 4, recruitment to public kindergartens, kindergarten departments in elementary schools, as well as to the first grades of elementary schools for the 2024/2025 school year began.

As in previous years, in order to enroll a child in the selected institution, one must fill out an application using the website There you will also find, among other things, the full offer of each institution.

Importantly, the documents filled out on the Internet should be printed and signed, and then submitted to the institution that we indicated in the first place.

The deadline for submitting an application with a set of required documents is March 22 for public kindergartens and kindergarten branches, and March 20 for elementary schools.

Recruitment to Szczecin institutions applies to children who live with their parents or legal guardians in the Szczecin Municipality.

The exact recruitment schedule and all additional information can be found here:

The winter break for children’s preschool and school activities is fast approaching.

In the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, the holidays will take place from January 15 – 28, 2023. This is a time when many families plan to go away together to take a break from the daily challenges.

How to provide child care in a situation where we do not plan to go away during the holidays ?

It’s worth getting acquainted with the proposal of the Palace of Youth in Szczecin. The slogan sounds intriguing: “ART IS LOOKING FOR YOU”.

Classes will be held in groups of 15 in the palace’s studios. Daily classes outside the building are also scheduled.

There is no need to wait – recruitment is already underway !

More information:

“Full craziness” at the Museum of Technology and Communication in Szczecin. 

These are the words that visitors to the Museum of Technology and Communication in Szczecin describe the new exhibition. The Museum has so far been associated with the history of the automotive industry and interesting but static exhibits. From February 1, 2023, the space of the Museum was developed interactively and attracted crowds of visitors on the opening day. 

Motoeksperymentarium SMYK – because that’s the name of this project, contains 15 interactive exhibits related to the operation of vehicles or simulation of driving under the influence of drugs. You can carry out a self-inspection of the vehicle or experience a car crash in safe conditions. It is possible to program the station to see the difference in reactions and behaviours between a rested and tired driver. 

The optimum time to stay in the Motoeksperymentarium is up to an hour, as planned by the organizers. It is open every day except Monday. Free entry every Tuesday.

The winter break for preschoolers and students is fast approaching.

The holidays in Zachodniopomorskie voivodeship will take place from 13 to 26 February 2023. This is the time when many families plan joint trips to be able to take a break from everyday challenges.

It is important to remember that we can use the tourist voucher only until the end of March 2023. The family of foreigners may have this voucher as long as they live in Poland and at least one of the parents has a residence title entitling them to use social assistance. Such titles include temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit, subsidiary protection, refugee status and citizenship.

How to ensure childcare in a situation where we do not plan trips during the holidays?

The Department of Education of the City of Szczecin has prepared a wide range of day camps in educational institutions. It is a great proposition for busy parents and their children. In addition to meals, children are provided with care and creative activities.


It’s still winter outside the windows and parents and guardians of the youngest children already have to take care of places for their kids after this year’s vacations.

This is the time when most of the recruitment for public educational institutions for the youngest begins. In 2023, recruitment for elementary school first grades and public kindergartens, as well as kindergarten units in elementary school, will begin on March 6.

The website: is the address where parents and guardians will find the full range of facilities and the possibility to enroll their child in the chosen kindergarten or school. 

For more information, including detailed rules for enrollment in both kindergartens and elementary school first grades, as well as a detailed enrollment schedule, please visit the link:

The application can only be submitted online, on the ZUS PUE platform. If you want to log in to pue you need a trusted profile and a mobile phone. After submitting the application for 500+, a decision on granting the benefit will be made at PUE. On Saturday and Sunday, ZUS offices will be open for Ukrainian citizens who want to apply for 500+. It is possible to fill in the application for the child benefit in each ZUS branch with the assistance of an official, on a computer provided on site.

What do you need? A PESEL number and an account in a Polish bank.

What is important? you don’t speak Polish – it won’t be a problem to apply for 500+. The application will also be in Ukrainian.

If 500 + per child is granted, the foreigner has payments for 18 months – without the need to submit further applications, of course, provided that they stay in Poland. If they leave for another country or return to Ukraine, the support will no longer be paid.

According to Article 35 of The Educational Law, attending school is mandatory until the age of 18.  Individuals who are not Polish citizens are required to compulsory education and benefit from the care and from learning in public schools under the conditions for Polish citizens (Article 165 above mentioned law). Students’ failure to fulfill compulsory education is subject to enforcement under the provisions on enforcement proceedings in administration.

Moreover, the law from the 12th of March 2022 on assisting Ukrainian citizens due to military conflict on the territory of their country (Dz.U. poz. 583) exempts Ukrainian students from the obligation to compulsory education and mandatory one-year preschool preparation. According to paragraph 15 of the regulation on the organization of education, upbringing, and care of Ukrainian children and youth issued based on the above act, students attending a kindergarten or school functioning in the Ukrainian education system using distance learning methods and techniques are not subject to the mandatory one-year pre-school preparation and compulsory education. In this case, the parent or the person taking care of the child/student submits a declaration to the commune competent for the child’s/student’s place of residence that the child/student continues education in the Ukrainian education system.

In a situation where one of the parents avoids the obligation to pay child support, it becomes necessary to refer the matter to court to obtain a court decision. This court may be both the district court competent for the place of residence of the child and the place of residence of the sued parent. 

In cases where the defendant is a foreigner, the case is settled by a Polish court if the foreigner resides in Poland. In this case, the court will base its decision on Polish law. 

On the other hand, in the document on the applicable law to maintenance obligations, the Hague Protocol indicates that the person obliged to pay maintenance and the person entitled to receive it may conclude a written agreement, choosing the law of a given country that will apply to them in a maintenance case. 

They can choose the law of the country in which one of the parties is a citizen. In the case of persons from Ukraine – decisions of Ukrainian courts on alimony are subject to the procedure of recognition of this document by the District Court. For this document to have legal force in Poland, a translated verdict of the Ukrainian court should be submitted to the District Court with an application for recognition.

Since the 24th of February, the beginning of Russian aggression, three million Ukrainian refugees, mainly women, and children, often non-related, crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border. In Poland, minor children cannot remain unattended or left without the supervision of an adult or an institution. To the situation’s need, the possibility of establishing a temporary guardian between unrelated individuals was made as easy as possible. Authorized to apply are:

-border guard,

-mayor, city president, starosta, voivodship marshal,



-executives of social welfare facilities,

-representatives of international or non-governmental organizations dedicated to assisting foreigners,

-person supervising the minor

-person supervising the minor since entering the territory of the Republic of Poland to the day of applying,

-other persons or parties as part of its tasks.

When establishing a temporary guardian, the court is guided by the best interests of the child. A temporary guardian’s role can be taken over by a Pole – friend of the parents, or a Ukrainian neighbor, who traveled to Poland with the child. 

The court shall examine the case immediately, no later than three days since the request has been made, or the necessity of providing a temporary guardian was presented. 

Studies in Poland fall into three degrees: undergraduate studies (bachelor’s degree), graduate studies (master’s degree), and doctoral studies. 

In Poland are also available postgraduate studies, which usually take a year or a year-and-a-half. 

The academic year in Poland is divided into two semesters: the winter academic semester and the summer academic semester. Classes in the winter academic semester start at the beginning of October and until the end of January. Then, classes in the summer academic semester start in the middle of February and continue until the end of June. 

Terms of taking education in Polish higher learning institutions without any required payment are fully described a the link below:

Details about undertaking studies in Poland, including admission requirements in various universities, the calendar of the academic year, and information about tuition fees, can be found on a dedicated website:

From January 1, 2022, in accordance with the changes introduced to the government program “Family 500+”, the rules for the collection of applications for child benefit have changed. 

According to the new rules, the service of accepting and examining applications and granting child benefit was taken over by the Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych), in place of the current program implementers.

From January 1, 2022, the ZUS accepts new applications and pays the child benefit granted by it on an ongoing basis (e.g. for newborn children), and from February 1, 2022, it will accept applications for the next benefit period, i.e. the period that will start on June 1, 2022 and will last until May 31, 2023.

On the other hand, cases concerning the right to child benefit for the periods prior to January 1, 2022, from applications submitted by December 31, 2021, will be continued by the existing authorities until their completion. 

Under the new rules, applications for a child benefit may be submitted to ZUS only via electronic means through one of the three application channels: via the PUE ZUS Platform, the Emp@tia information and service portal at or via electronic banking. 

The payment of the child benefit will be made only in a non-cash form, to the bank account indicated by the applicant.

From February 1, 2022, the call for applications for establishing the right to child benefit for the new benefit period will start, which will run from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023.

If one of the parents is a citizen of the Republic of Poland, the child acquires Polish citizenship by birth. In Polish law, the so-called ius sanguinis or the law of blood shall apply. This means that the child obtains the citizenship of one of its parents, and not the citizenship of the place (country) where the child was born. In order to make the acquisition of Polish citizenship by a child a fact, a declaration on the choice of citizenship for the child must be submitted to the Department of Citizenship and Foreigners of the Voivodeship Office competent for the place of residence. If the child’s parents are not married, recognition of the child by the father is required. Such declaration must be made within three months of the child’s birth and is submitted by both parents.
Each child born in Poland (regardless of the parents’ citizenship) must be registered with the Registry Office within 14 days of birth. This is done by the parent, or another authorized person. With the birth certificate issued by the Registry Office, you should go to the consular institution of the parents’ country of origin in order to obtain a passport for the child (or enter the child in the parents’ passport). With a ready passport, you can go to the Department of Civil Affairs at the place of residence of the parents (usually the child’s mother) and apply for registration. The first registration of residence takes place for a period of up to 3 months, and then, after obtaining a permit from the Voivodship Office, it can be made for a temporary stay of over 3 months. In order for the approval of our newborn child’s residency to be complete, we should not forget to obtain a PESEL number for the child. It will be necessary, among others in contacts with the public health service, regardless of the fact that parents are insured with ZUS (social insurance institution). The PESEL number is issued ex officio to foreigners registered for permanent or temporary residence lasting more than 3 months. In this case, after the foreigner submits the registration form at the office, the office is obliged to apply to the Minister of the Interior with a request for granting the foreigner a PESEL number. However, so that nothing unexpected happens, I suggest you to ask the registration office whether it will do so. The entire procedure of assigning a PESEL number should take about a month.

The new school year 2020/2021 will not only bring new challenges to students. It will likely pose a serious challenge to people in charge of daily functioning of schools and educational facilities, i.e. teachers and headmasters. The COVID-19 pandemic makes questions and doubts proliferate. Is it safe? How will the school year be organised? How can we avoid crowds in school corridors? What if some student shows disease symptoms? These are but a few questions that are now being asked by parents, students and school staff.

Szczecin’s underlying objective is clear: to make it safe. A number of special procedures have been established to this end, inter alia, based on the General Sanitary Inspectorate recommendations. These will be put in place from 1 September in the city’s educational facilities. The appropriate procedures are expected to minimise the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This is why this year’s school work in individual facilities will be a bit different than it was before.

Below you can find the most important procedures that will be put in place in the new school year 2020/2012.

General hygienic and safety measures

– All educational facilities have been equipped with specialist disinfectants and touchless body temperature screening devices.

– You must have your mouth and nose covered when entering the school building.

– You must disinfect your hands when entering the premises of a given facility.

– Keeping a safe interpersonal distance is recommended.

– Methods enabling quick and effective contacts with parents will be implemented.

– Parents or legal custodians will be allowed to enter the facility only if their presence is expressly required to deal with a given matter.

– Information posters indicating the rules of procedure during the COVID-19 pandemic will be displayed in all facilities. Additionally, proper hand-washing instructions will be displayed in bathrooms and toilets.

School work organisation

– Entrance to the facility will be allowed through all entries. This will allow for potential crowds forming at some entrance doors to be eliminated.

– You must have your mouth and nose covered while in the facility (in all spaces except for classrooms).

– If possible, students attending a given class should have all lessons in one place. This will allow for students’ movement across the facility to be reduced.

– Classroom decorations will be cut to the minimum. Only the necessary items which can be easily and quickly washed and disinfected will be left.

– Airing of classrooms and other rooms will be frequently performed.

Rules to be followed while in the facility

– Students should not leave their classrooms during breaks. If this is not possible, a rotating breaks system can be introduced in individual facilities, which will allow for contacts between students attending various classes to be limited.

– Access to lockers and cloakrooms may be limited in the initial months of the new school year. It is of utmost importance that students bring to school only the necessary items. Jackets and coats will be taken to classrooms designated for students attending given classes.

– Canteens will be adapted to serve fewer students at one time. To this end, separate dining hours will be designated for students attending given classes.

– In primary schools with canteens school shops may be closed down.

– Drink bowls and vending machines will be out of service. Children should take enough food and drinks from home.

The new school year 2020/2021 will bring numerous changes. While apparently working in the ordinary mode, schools will indeed look a bit different. All our measures have one common objective    – to make it safe in this demanding period. It is of utmost importance to constantly have those indications in mind and follow them in daily life. Detailed information on the functioning of Szczecin educational facilities in the new school year 2020/2021 can be found on:

There are several options for legalizing your child’s stay in Poland. They depend on the legal basis for parents staying in PL.

Your child receives a permanent residence permit if you have a permanent or long-term EU resident permit and your descendant:

– was born at the time when you had a temporary residence permit
– was born when you already had a permanent or long-term EU resident permit.

Your child will receive a temporary residence permit if you are in Poland based on:

– permanent or long-term resident’s EU residence permit, but your child was not born during your possession of this permit or temporary residence permit,
– refugee status,
– subsidiary protection,
– permission to stay for humanitarian reasons.

If you are staying in Poland based on a visa or temporary residence permission, and your child was born during the validity of one of these documents, a child may receive a temporary residence permit. Remember, however, that in this situation you must have health insurance in Poland, as well as a source of income.
If you live in Poland and you want to bring your child here, you can apply for a temporary permit for your child to reunite with your family, provided that you are staying here based on one of the following documents:

– permanent residence or long-term resident’s EU residence permission,
– refugee status,
– subsidiary protection,
– permission to stay for humanitarian reasons,
– a temporary residence permit for a minimum of two years, whereas the last permit being issued for at least one year,
– temporary residence permit issued for scientific research,
– EU Blue Card.

Not only Polish citizens are entitled to receive 500+ for a child, but also foreigners residing in Poland with the child for which they apply. To be able to apply for it, you must be a citizen of one of the European Union countries or the European Free Trade Association – EFTA or be a citizen of one of the countries that have a bilateral social security agreement with Poland (these include, among others, Moldova and Ukraine).

You can apply for 500+ benefit at the commune office, via Polish Post, or online (via the bank, via the Emp@tia Information and Service Portal website, or PUE a Social Insurance Institution). The data needed to complete the form is the name of the applicant, i.e. the parent, his Identification Number, series and number of the document confirming his identity, as well as marital status and contact details.

You also need the child’s data, i.e. date of birth, name and surname, Personal Identification Number, gender, citizenship and marital status.

If you want to enrol your child in a nursery, but you do not know which one, you can find a list of all facilities on the website:ęczcow/rodzina/d3/rejestr-zlobkow-i -klubow. Because there is no standardized procedure for enrolling in a nursery, after choosing a specific institution, you must check its procedures individually. Some establishments have an only personal record, while others offer electronic one. In a specific nursery, you can also check the recruitment deadline, find out the fees, as well as the age range of admitted children.

If you want to enrol your child in a kindergarten, you must first check with a particular institution whether the application is submitted electronically or directly in kindergarten. Enrollment usually begins in March, and priority is given for those children who live in the municipality or city where the kindergarten is located. In the case of public kindergartens, local self-government authorities decide on the hourly amount of a child’s stay in it which is free (minimum 5 hours a day), as well as the amount of payment for the remaining time of using the kindergarten.

A foreigner’s child is admitted to the first grade of primary school in the same way as a Polish child. To do this, you need to complete the application – in a specific institution you can find out if you should do it in person or online.

As for older classes than primary school as well as high schools, a child is accepted based on:

– a certificate or other document confirming the completion of a school abroad or the next stage of recognized education – by separate provisions – equivalent to the Polish certificate of completion of the relevant school or secondary school-leaving certificate,

– a certificate, attestation or other document issued by the school abroad confirming the foreigner’s attendance at a school abroad and indicating the class or stage of education which the foreigner completed at school abroad, and a document confirming the sum of the foreigner’s years of schooling.

Education in public schools is free for children up to 18 years old. It is also worth mentioning that a child who does not have Polish citizenship is entitled to receive additional, free Polish lessons. This right can be used during the first 12 months of education.

People up to 18 years of age, regardless of whether they are insured, have the right to use healthcare. However, according to the Act, they are subject to compulsory insurance. A child can be registered for insurance by parents or legal guardians as well as an institution that looks after the child or school.


1. Childcare in a nursery can be provided for a child from 20 weeks to the end of the school year in which the child turns 3 years old.

2. A condition for enrolling in a nursery is a child’s identification number

3. To enrol your child in the nursery:

You need to fill out an application for place granting:

  • In electronic form (available on
  • Afterwards, with a printed and signed form you need to attend to your first choice nursery to register your child in the system. You will receive confirmation of enrolling process i.e. login and password which enables ongoing monitoring of the child’s order of waiting for selected nurseries.

4. Applications for child’s admission to the Nursery School are accepted continuously and lasts all year.

5. Applications for the admission of a child are accepted daily between 9: 00- 14:00 (except on non-working days) only by a nursery of first preference.

6. September’s recruitment is associated with the left of the oldest children to kindergartens, which increases the number of free places in institutions.

7. The order in which applications are received and the free places in a given age group decide about receiving a place in a nursery

• the place on the waiting list indicated by the system and it is not synonymous with the order of admissions, as it depends on the child’s qualification for a specific age group, limited by the number of planned places.

8. Children who meet the following criteria may be admitted disregarding the order:

• from large families (minimum 3 children),
• disabled.

9. An essential condition for a child to attend a Nursery School is that the parents meet the following criteria:

• place on the waiting list,
• living in the commune of the City of Szczecin,
• both parents working/studying daily.

10. All technical information regarding the electronic recruitment system is available in the regulations at

11. Contact details:

Municipal of the city’s nursery team
Ul. Śląska 54 LU1-LU2
70-430 Szczecin
Tel. 91 434 16 16

1. Persons who are not Polish citizens benefit from education and care in:
a) kindergartens or other forms of pre-school education,
a) primary schools also in special primary schools
b) secondary schools (high schools, technical schools, industry schools) also in special secondary schools
c) art schools, educational establishments
on conditions applicable to Polish citizens.

2. People who are not Polish citizens and are a subject to compulsory school or compulsory education who do not know Polish language or know it at an insufficient level to benefit from education have the right to (at the school where the student is learning):
a) additional, free Polish language learning (conducted individually or in groups in scope of 2 lessons per week),
b) assistance provided by a person who speaks the language of the country of origin,
c) additional compensatory classes in a maximum of three teaching subjects (conducted individually or in groups of lesson hours per week).

3. For people who are not Polish citizens and who are subject to compulsory education, a diplomatic or consular institution of their country of origin operating in Poland or a cultural and educational association of a given nationality may be organized at school, in consultation with the school headmaster and with the consent of the leading body, learning the language and culture of the country origin.

4. Citizens of the Member States of the European Union, as well as their family members with the right of residence or the right of permanent residence, persons of Polish origin within the meaning of the provisions on repatriation, persons who have been granted a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Republic of Poland, persons holding a valid Pole’s Card, persons , for whom such entitlement arises from international agreements, persons who have been granted refugee status, and their family members, persons who have been granted a tolerated stay permission, persons who have been granted permission to stay for humanitarian reasons and their family members, and persons who have been granted subsidiary protection and their family members, persons enjoying temporary protection in the territory of the Republic of Poland, persons who have been granted a long-term residence in European Union permission in the territory of the Republic of Poland, persons who have been granted a permission to stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland in temporary time, persons who apply for international protection and members of their families, persons who have a residence card with the annotation “access to the labor market”, a Schengen visa or a national visa issued for the purpose of performing work on the territory of the Republic of Poland may, under conditions alike Polish citizens take advantage from education in public adult schools, public post-secondary schools, public art schools, public institutions and public colleges of social service employees as well as lifelong learning in the form of vocational qualification courses.

5. People who are not Polish citizens and are not mentioned above may benefit from education in public adult schools, public post-secondary schools, public art schools, public institutions and public colleges of social service employees, and continuing education in the form of vocational qualification courses:
a) as scholarship holders receiving a scholarship awarded by the minister responsible for education and upbringing;
b) as scholarship holders receiving a scholarship awarded by the school or institution’s management body, by the school’s or institution’s headmaster;
c) on payment terms

6. People who are not Polish citizens may be awarded a scholarship of the minister competent for education and upbringing in a monthly amount equal to the amount of the scholarship of the Prime Minister.

Detailed information on recruitment is available at:

For students coming from abroad, the school organizes free Polish language teaching in the form of additional Polish lessons. Such classes are conducted individually or in groups in the scope that allows learning the Polish language to a degree enabling participation in compulsory educational classes, not less than two hours a week. At the same time, the student can attend for 12 months to additional compensatory classes in teaching subjects, if such need is found by the leading teacher. The total number of additional Polish classes and additional compensatory classes may not exceed 5 hours a week. Students of the preparatory unit can also be a part of these classes.

A foreign student can be supported at school by a person employed as a teacher assistant, who speaks the language of the student’s country of origin – for 12 months.

People who are not Polish citizens and who are subject to compulsory education and study, take advantage of education and care in public schools on the conditions applicable to Polish citizens. These people are admitted to public primary schools in which the perimeter has been established due to the student’s place of residence. Pupils are admitted to primary schools other than those appropriate for the place of residence of the student, as well as to secondary schools only if the school has free places.

In a situation where, due to demographic reasons, which require conducting organizational changes in schoolwork, there is no possibility to admit a foreigner child to school, please refer to the Education Department of the Szczecin City Hall, pl. Armii Krajowej 1. Contact number: +48 91 424 56 43.

For students who are not Polish citizens, schools organize free Polish language lessons in the form of additional Polish lessons. Such classes are conducted individually or in groups in the scope that allows learning the Polish language to a degree enabling participation in compulsory educational classes, not less than two hours a week.

The weekly number of hours of additional Polish lessons is determined by the headmaster of the school in which these classes are organized, in consultation with the school management body.

In order to conclude a civil marriage at the Civil Registry Office (Registry Office), the Head of Registry Office must be submitted the following documents:

– ID cards with photos of the people intending to get married

– Copies of birth certificates of the above-mentioned people. If such a copy is made in a foreign language, it must be accompanied by a sworn translation of the document into Polish made by a sworn translator from the list of translators published on the website of the Ministry of Justice or the Consul of the Republic of Poland

– People who have already been married attach a document confirming the termination or annulment of the previous marriage

– Foreigners additionally submit a certificate from the country of origin confirming the possibility of getting married, together with a sworn translation of the document into Polish (this document certifies that a person, in accordance with the law of their country of origin, may get married in Poland. In order to obtain such a document, please contact the appropriate authority in your country of origin)

– If a foreigner is unable to submit such a document (e.g., their country does not issue such documents), they may submit an exemption from the obligation to submit the document. Such a decision is issued by District Courts in the course of non-contentious proceedings at the request of a foreigner

Za osobę polskiego pochodzenia uważa się osobę które :

– co najmniej jedno z jej rodziców lub dziadków albo dwoje pradziadków było narodowości polskiej

Wykazuje swój związek z polskością w szczególności przez pielęgnowanie tradycji polskiej i polskich zwyczajów.

W jaki sposób można zalegalizować pobyt cudzoziemca o polskim pochodzeniu ?

Poprzez :

 Ubieganie się o Kartę Polaka na podstawie polskiego pochodzenia

Ubieganie się o zezwolenie na pobyt stały na podstawie polskiego pochodzenia

Ubieganie się o zezwolenie na pobyt stały na podstawie ważnej Karty Polaka .

Karta Polaka nie oznacza nadania cudzoziemcowi obywatelstwa polskiego, przyznania prawa do osiedlania się w Polsce ani  prawa przekraczania granic Polski bez wizy . Na jej podstawie cudzoziemiec może otrzymać wizę pobytową długoterminową  uprawniającą do wielokrotnego przekraczania granicy 

W przypadku wątpliwości czy też problemów technicznych zapraszamy na spotkanie z doradcą w CIC .

The PESEL number in Poland is very important. Without a PESEL assigned to you, normal and every day life is virtually impossible in Poland. 

Foreigners who live in Poland can and should register – then they will automatically receive a PESEL number. (the next article will concern the registration process) if it’s impossible to register, and a given office requires a PESEL number from you – submit an application.

If you cannot register, visit the municipal office, take the application and fill it out.

The application should include the actual legal basis which requires a PESEL number. If an office (e.g. The ZUS or tax office) requires a PESEL number – it should also indicate the legal basis.

If there are any gaps in the application – you will get a notification to fill them in. The Office may not process your application if the application does not meet the official requirements

The service is free. The clerk will take your application right away. If there is a basis for assigning a PESEL number – you will receive a notification about assigning a PESEL number.

If for any reason this procedure is difficult for you – we invite you to the INFORMATION CENTER FOR FOREIGNERS – to our website and to our office – we will help you fill in the forms and help you better understand the content of correspondence with the office.

The Pole’s card confirms the foreigner’s belonging to the Polish nation, but it does not legalize his stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland. To come here, you must have a document legalizing your stay.

On the other hand, having a Pole’s Card may facilitate the legalization of your stay. Thanks to it you can get a visa for free, which entitles you to repeatedly cross the Polish border.
Having a Pole’s Card enables you also many rights, such as the possibility of submitting an application for Polish citizenship for free, taking up a job in Poland without having documents that legalize it, free museum visits.

There are more benefits of having a Pole’s Card, so if you have one, be sure to acknowledge them!

A permanent residence permit may be attained by a foreigner who:

1. is a child of a foreigner who has permanent residence permission or a long-term resident’s EU residence permit in Poland and is under his parental care, and who:
a). was born after his parent received permanent residence permission or long-term EU resident permission in Poland, or
b). was born during the period of validity of the temporary residence permit held by his parent,

2. is a child of a Polish citizen and remains under his parental care,

3. is a person of Polish origin and intends to settle in Poland permanently,

4. remains in a marriage recognized by Polish law and concluded with a Polish citizen for at least 3 years before applying for permanent residence permission and immediately before submitting the application he lived in Poland continuously for at least 2 years based on the temporary residence permit issued for based on marriage with a Polish citizen or based on obtaining refugee status, subsidiary protection or permission to stay for humanitarian reasons,

5. is a victim of human trafficking and:
a). lived in Poland immediately before applying for not less than 1 year based on the temporary residence permit issued to foreigners who are victims of human trafficking,
b). cooperated with law enforcement authorities in criminal proceedings;
c). has justified concerns about returning to the country of origin, confirmed by the prosecutor conducting the proceedings in the case,

6. immediately before applying for permanent residence permission, he lived in Poland continuously of not less than 5 years based on refugee status, subsidiary protection or permission to stay for humanitarian reasons,

7. immediately before applying for permanent residence permission, he lived in Poland continuously for not less than 10 years based on a tolerated stay permit granted in the case of:
a). if the obligation to return the foreigner can only be made to the country in which:
– the right to life, liberty and security of the person would be endangered
– a foreigner could be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or
– a foreigner could be forced to work, or
– a foreigner could be deprived of the right to a fair trial or be punished without a legal basis
b). the obligation to return a foreigner can only occur to a country to which his release is inadmissible based on a court decision or due to the decision of the Minister of Justice refusing to release a foreigner,

8. he was granted asylum in Poland, or

9. has a valid Polish Card and intends to settle in Poland permanently.

It is worth knowing that this type of permit cannot be obtained through a work-related stay in Poland.

A permanent residence permit is issued for an indefinite period, and the document is valid itself for 10 years, which means that after this date the card should be replaced.
Its issuing is requested at the Voivodship Office competent for the place of residence. All necessary documents should be attached to the application. The stamp duty is 640 PLN, while the card issue costs 50 PLN. Having this type of permission releases you from the obligation to apply for documents legalizing your work.

You can apply for a temporary residence permit in Poland by the following reasons:

1. Performing or continuing work in Poland;
2. Performing work in a profession requiring high qualifications;
3. Performance of work by a foreigner delegated by a foreign employer to Poland;
4. Doing business in Poland;
5. Undertaking or continuing studies in Poland;
6. Completing a preparatory course to undertake studies in bachelor’s, masters or doctoral studies in Polish;
7. Conducting scientific research in Poland;
8. Arrival to family members of a Polish citizen or a family member of a foreigner;
9. Being a victim of trafficking of human beings who resides in Poland, cooperates with the authorities conducting proceedings on combating trafficking of human beings and who broke off contacts with people suspected of trafficking of human beings;
10. The intention of joining a family member as a citizen of an EU Member State, a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) or the Swiss Confederation residing in Poland;
11. Being an underage child of a foreigner who resides in Poland based on a national visa or temporary residence permission, if the child was born during the period of validity of this national visa or temporary residence permission;
12. Being a minor child of a foreigner who is a spouse of a Polish citizen and has a temporary residence permit issued for a family member of a Polish citizen;
13. Other important circumstances whose existence will be proved.
When applying for a particular type of residence permit, you must submit documents that confirm the legitimacy of the chosen purpose. Temporary residence permission should be applied at the Voivodship Office competent for the place of residence. The stamp duty is respectively: for granting a temporary residence permit – PLN 340, for granting a uniform temporary residence and work permit – PLN 440. Fee for the card-issuing: PLN 50.

REMEMBER! A temporary residence permit may be withdrawn when the purpose of the stay for which it was issued has ceased.

That Szczecin is changing is undeniable. The revitalization of the city center, which has been with us for the past few years – is changing our city. More work is underway – there are still many changes ahead. In the daily rush, it is certainly difficult for us to focus on those elements that have been changed, rebuilt, renovated to shine with new splendor. To be able to look at these changes objectively, without the daily breathlessness – let’s go for a walk together. We will not go there alone. We will be accompanied by Ms. Kinga Rabinskaya, our guide. “Revitalization of Downtown: the New Face of the City”. – this is the title of the walk to those places that have already changed, along with the story of what will change and where. The organizers invite you to three October walks, which are free of charge. Advance registration is required – so sign up now and see for yourself how the heart of our city is changing. More information can be found at the link:

The annual event supporting young people, parents and teachers in career planning and development this year is preparing the sixteenth edition of these activities. The initiator of the event is the Stowarzyszenie Doradców Szkolnych i zawodowych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, while the coordinator in Western Pomerania is the Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy in Szczecin. The planned week includes talks on how to support your child in the educational path? How to plan a career? How to turn passions into success? These are sample topics of this rich program. The organizers have scheduled meetings in the form of stationary and on – line, for which registration is mandatory. The agenda for the meetings in Szczecin is as follows:
October 16, 2024 (Wednesday) – online form CAN ANYONE BECOME AN INTERNET DEVELOPER?
October 17, 2024 (Thursday) – stationary workshop HOW TO SET AND ACHIEVE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GOALS? October 18, 2024 (Friday) – online form TALENT UP- lectures

The magic of this place probably does not need to be particularly advertised to the residents of our city. Operating since 1907 on Wojska Polskiego Avenue, the cinema has a well-established position, as evidenced by its acceptance into the prestigious Europa Cinema and Studio Cinema networks.

Both the residents of Szczecin and the authorities of our city respect this unusual “ pearl ”. The previous owner ran the cinema for many years, taking care of an ambitious repertoire. The news that he plans to retire and sell the Pioneer caused many to hold their breath. In order to take care of the timeless value and prevent the cinema from becoming a very commercial facility in new hands, the Municipality of Szczecin bought back the cinema and it is now our city asset.

After a necessary break, related, for example, to the performance of minor renovations, the facility managed by the Cultural House “Krzemień” in Szczecin resumes activities and invites all connoisseurs to excellent film screenings.

Detailed information on the activities of the Cinema and the current repertoire can be found on the website

Due to the flooding in southern Poland, Szczecin will launch a collection point for items for flood victims. Necessary items can be brought from tomorrow to the Netto Arena.

The following items will be collected first: water in bottles or cans, food with a long expiration date, cleaning supplies and pet food. If possible, we ask that the items brought be packaged.

The point will be open in the coming days from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Public consultations on the revitalization of Stefan Żeromski Park are underway.

Consultations on the future of Szczecin’s second largest park have started in full swing. What is the park to look like? What functions should it perform? Why do we want to come to it? – Such questions are to be answered by the ongoing campaign.

As Ms. Gardener of the City says – the park is to combine natural, historical, and recreational qualities, all based on the identified needs of Szczecin residents.

That’s why it’s so important to conduct these consultations, because their result may influence the next stages of revitalization of this space.

The questionnaire can be filled out electronically:, at – then it should be sent back to

Its paper form is available – at the secretariat of the Department of Environmental Protection – Armii Krajowej Square 1 in Szczecin, room 385 – the survey should be dropped into an urn.

On September 28, the survey will be conducted in the park from 9 am to 5 pm.

On October 13, anyone interested can take part in a dendrological walk in the park – a gathering for those willing at 11:00 am at the Park Hotel.


The Szczecin Oktoberfest has become an annual, traditional social and educational event in Szczecin.

It is a celebration of kraft beer created by small manufactures, groups of friends or families.

This year, Aleja Kwiatowa invites supporters of the beverage from October 4 to 6.

Pilsner, lager, kozlak, porter, pale ale, wheat beer, flavored beers, as well as non-alcoholic beers – this is the offer of the beer fest.

 Among those who will present their beer products are BROWAR ODRZAŃSKI, BROWARY KALEA and ERL BRU, SZCZECIŃSKI BROWAR POD ZAMKIEM, MIEJSKI BROWAR STARGARD and many others. 

There will be no shortage of tasty food and fun.

More information:

Kolorowa aleja

One of the gems on the cultural map of Szczecin is the “Pioneer 1907” cinema. This unusual place, which is among the prestigious Europa Cinemas network and the network of Studio Cinemas, and is one of the oldest cinemas in the world!
The history of the “Pioneer” officially begins on September 26, 1909. However, documents have been found that say its operation is even longer. The beginning of the cinema’s operation is as far back as 1907.
The cinema, located at 2 Wojska Polskiego Avenue in Szczecin, is a place that has been distinguished from other such places by its atmosphere. In “Pioneer” it is difficult to look for commercial productions and popcorn. However, cinema lovers will find there ambitious European, Asian and South American cinema. A unique experience will certainly be provided by a screening in the “Kiniarni,” a space created in 202. In the room, which is a combination of a cinema and a cafe, we will be transported to the early 20th century, where, sitting at a table, we will watch films projected from a projector.
Currently, the “Pioneer 1907” cinema is privately owned. Due to the decision of one of the owners to retire and the risk that the “Pioneer” will be liquidated, work is underway to ensure the continued operation of the cinema. Therefore, the City has decided to secure funds in the amount of PLN 2,000,000, which can be used for the possible purchase of the facility with its equipment. Talks between the owner and the City of Szczecin regarding the future of the cinema are ongoing. We keep our fingers crossed for the success of this venture, so that the “Pioneer” can continue to please residents and tourists in an unchanged form.
More information:

Szczecin’s Birthday – this is how city officials and residents celebrate the anniversary of the handover of the city’s administration on July 5, 1945. Since then, we have celebrated this day every year, counting down the years of Szczecin in Poland.

This year it is time to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the event. The traditional celebration is scheduled for the first weekend of July. As every year, the city has planned many attractions for this day. The birthday party will take place on July 7 on Różanka. Szczecinians are invited to taste delicious cakes – this year two are planned – each weighing 79 kilograms. Traditionally, the cake will be served by the Mayor of Szczecin – Piotr Krzystek.

This is just the beginning of the attractions that await us. Concerts, games and activities for the youngest, as well as dancing to hits from the 60s – these are just some of the proposals that await us on that day.

We’ll see you at the birthday party!

More information:

When planning to spend time outdoors, remember that there are places in Szczecin where you can fill your bidons or bottles with tested, drinkable water without any worries. 

Two entities take care of proper hydration of Szczecin residents – ZWiK encourages the use of those located at the Arkonka walking path, on the Bulwary or Różanka. 

 ZUK has similar devices. These, in turn, are located in Wojtek Bear Square, in parks: Wolności, Kasprowicza, in Psie Pole on Os Zawadzki Park Wolności, at Chelminek skatepark or in Szymanowskiego Street.

Let’s look out for these water drinkers and use them not only to wash our hands or face. Drinking clean water instead of sugary carbonated drinks is meant to build good eating habits on the one hand, and carries such an important environmental message for our planet.

More information:

The Mobile City Card has been assisting Szczecin residents with efficient travel by public transportation since 2017. The new good news is that we are just getting acquainted with its new and improved version. On this platform, in addition to the ability to purchase tickets, we will find a rich information offer aimed at building a community around city services. There we will find current information about the operation and possible changes in urban transportation, but not only. On the platform in the new version we will get acquainted with the offer of upcoming events in our city, purchase the Szczecin Tourist Card, find a list of important places in the city, tourist attractions, places of rest and recreation.

A spokesman for ZDiTM assures that changing existing tickets between versions of the application is seamless, as the current application will continue to operate in parallel for a minimum of 3 more months.

More information:

Beautiful, sunny days invite us to enjoy the many attractions offered by the city’s wide range of facilities.

Today we would like to remind you about the Ferris wheel in Lasztownia. The Wheel of Szczecin is 55 meters high – or roughly 18 stories. Its weight exceeds 350 tons. It is the largest Ferris wheel in Poland.

From June 01 begins the next season of this attraction in Szczecin.

The Ferris wheel will stay on the Oder River until September 15. Extremely important is the information that the cabins of the carousel are adapted for wheelchairs of disabled people.

No less important news is that ticket prices have not changed since the previous season.

More information:

The nationwide project run by the Pink Box Foundation aims to counter menstrual exclusion. One of the activities is to encourage the placement in public places of a distinctive pink box containing free personal hygiene products for women.

We are building a world in which sanitary pads will be treated on a par with toilet paper – this is the Foundation’s message.

This idea was picked up some time ago by Szczecin schools, universities, cafes and restaurants providing free access to these products.

At the end of April this year, Szczecin sports facilities joined the campaign. The boxes are placed in toilets, locker rooms and other publicly accessible areas. According to Karol Lipinski, director of the Municipal Center for Sports, Recreation and Rehabilitation in Szczecin: a lot of young women train at our facilities. Our task is to provide comfortable conditions for sports, but we also want everyone to feel comfortable here.

You can find a full list of facilities at the link:

A major new production facility will be built on land leased from the Szczecin-Swinoujscie Port Authority on Ostrow Grabowski. Operations are scheduled to begin in the first half of 2026.

The investor is Windar-an entity operating in the renewable energy sector, with production facilities around the world. It is in Szczecin that the first Polish factory, producing the latest generation of offshore wind towers, is scheduled to open.

This is very good news for Szczecin and its residents. In addition to the estimated at least 450 new jobs, equally important is all the infrastructure that will have to be built to ensure conditions for the giant’s smooth operation. Such an investment strengthens the local economy.

Thanks to such investments, the West Pomeranian region is becoming a strategic center for wind energy exploitation in the Baltic Sea. As Szczecin Mayor Piotr Krzystek says, business develops where there are sources of energy – that’s why this investment is so strategically important for Szczecin.

More information:

For one minute a million plastic bottles are produced in the world. In Poland, 220,000 tons of PET bottles are put on the market every year, and only 37.4 percent of them are recycled.

The idea of vending machines for plastic bottles – called bottle machines – is to change these statistics by mobilizing the public to be active in saving the environment.

Drop in a bottle – collect points and redeem them for prizes or a discount – this is the simplest way to describe the recycling process in a bottle machine. Insert the dry bottle with the appropriate side into the opening of the bottle machine, barcode side up. The bottle will be crushed and the customer user will receive points or cash or discount vouchers in his account in the app. There are step-by-step instructions on each device.

Bottle machines in Szczecin are located in the following places:

– near the entrance to the Dąbie swimming pool

– near the entrance to Arkonka

– near the Netto Arena hall

– at the entrance to the railway station (from Owocowa street)

– by the Majowe skatepark 

A loyalty application is assigned to the device, where we create an account and can collect points and exchange them for prizes. The RecomApp is available in the Apple Store and Google Play stores for free.

Having the app is not mandatory. We can take care of the environment without it as well.

More information:

The Tall Ships Races is the largest and oldest sailing event in the world.

This year, from 02 to 05 August, Szczecin will host this impressive finale for the fourth time. The route of the regatta will run from Klaipeda through Helsinki, Turku, Mariehamn and will end right here – in Szczecin.

For a few days Szczecin will be the singing, dancing capital of sailing Europe. Attractions for everyone will be organized on both sides of the Oder River. Wały Chrobrego and Lasztownia will be truly nautical. The largest sailing vessels, whose majestic view will take your breath away, will dock. There will be a spectacular parade of crews, tours of the vessels, talks after dawn, and musical animations.

It is therefore worth keeping up to date with this event on FB and on the official website dedicated to the event:

On March 22-24, there will be a merry bustle in Aleja Kwiatowa. All thanks to the Easter Fair, loved by locals and tourists visiting Szczecin.

As every year, waiting for the participants of the Fair will be pavilions , where we will be able to buy everything we need for the Easter table. The assortment will include: delicious local food (including holiday delicacies), various spring and Easter decorations , as well as gifts.

As always, the organizers have also taken care of a wide range of animation and educational activities. Everyone will be able to listen to about the world of animals, learn how to weave baskets on their own, paint Easter eggs, and learn how not to waste food. In addition, the youngest participants of the Fair, will be able to play the role of searchers of lost Easter eggs. 

A detailed program of this year’s Easter Fair can be found at the link: 

This is the motto of the upcoming event for all those who are building, renovating or refurbishing their space.

 From March 22 to 24, Szczecin residents will be treated to another edition of the BUD-GRYF & HOME construction and interior design fair.

 A wide range of construction industry products will be waiting for visitors for three days in the Netto Arena hall at 3/5/7 Szafera Street in Szczecin. The list of exhibitors is impressive, so it is worth visiting the place and getting inspired by their proposals. We will find there practically everything connected with construction and interior design: proposals for ready-made houses, offers of design studios, real estate insurance, decorative articles, furniture, interior design and many others.

In addition to representatives from the strictly construction industry, visitors will also find a “green corner.” The fair organizers have expanded their offer for a mini green market, which is increasingly popular with fair visitors.

 There will also be no shortage of additional attractions – the fair schedule includes, for example, furniture restoration workshops.

More informations:

The twelfth edition of the Szczecin Citizens’ Budget kicked off on February 12. The time for submitting ideas is March 20. SBO is a project that is co-created by residents and for residents. It is through it that Szczecinians can directly influence the city by proposing their own investment ideas.

Residents can submit their ideas in two categories:

Local projects-70% of the funds

Green SBO-30% of the funds

This year’s total amount of funds is substantial: PLN 17,200,000.

Any resident can submit an idea for allocating this amount. All you need is a description of the idea, justification of the amount of funds requested and 10 signatures.

A dedicated website has been created for submitting projects : 

Those who do not have access to a computer or the Internet can be helped by employees of the Office of Civil Dialogue (during office hours) tel. 91 424 51 05, or the SBO Academy tel. 602 434 633 (Mon to Fri, 10am-5pm).

More information:

While waiting for truly spring aura, we suggest you take advantage of the offer to visit the Mieczyslaw Karlowicz Philharmonic building in Szczecin. 

Buying a ticket for only PLN 10, you can spend almost an hour wandering with a guide through the halls and galleries of this unusual building, which are inaccessible to outsiders on a daily basis.

 The unusual body of the Szczecin Philharmonic, which was built in 2014 on the site of the Concert House (Konzerthaus) destroyed at the end of World War II, has been awarded in many architectural competitions.

Anyone interested will be able to visit the “ice palace” on 4 Fridays in March (March 1, 8, 15 and 22) . The tour will be held in 3 languages – Polish, German and English.

Detailed information is available here:

As every year, the city budget could not lack funds to honor the work of our native artists. This year’s total amount of funds for Creative Scholarships is PLN 150,000.

Scholarship applications must be submitted by 29.02.2024.

Creative scholarships can be awarded for literary, musical, film, dance and theater, cultural dissemination or visual art works.

The support is aimed at people who are engaged in creative activities on a daily basis and have a project to implement an original idea in this field.

The full list of conditions that must be met in order to apply for this honorable grant can be found on the website of the City of Szczecin. It is important that the project ends on 31.12.2024.


The city of Szczecin makes the city center available to parked vehicles, subject to payment of parking fees. The most important zones are Zone A – red, and in this zone the parking fee is higher, and B – yellow, where rates are slightly lower.

There is a network of parking meters throughout the zone, where you can pay both cash and non-cash fees. Phone apps are also helpful. Parking fees are charged from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday.

Various subscription options have been prepared for those who work in the city center, or are residents of the zone. There are also groups of people who are exempt from paying fees. Penalties for non-payment are large, so it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the zone’s parking conditions.

As of 2024, a new service has been launched, namely a reminder of an expiring subscription. SPP customers, three days before the expiration date of the purchased subscription, will receive an SMS .

More information:

As of 2019, Szczecin’s ongoing investments have reached the threshold of PLN 1 billion per year. Central measures in recent years have resulted in systematic unfavorable changes in financing for local governments, and according to research – they have affected metropolitan areas in particular. This trend also applies to our City.

This year’s budget has been called a transitional and responsible budget by President Piotr Krzystek. The project assumes a surplus of income over expenses, while at the moment it has to reduce the dynamics of investments.

Nevertheless, the next year is a year of great expectations for positive changes in the approach to local government finances on the one hand, and on the other hand for funding from the next EU perspective and the NIP which will allow for new investment projects that will drive the development of the City.

And this is what we wish our City for 2024.


The bicentennial of the choir of the Maritime University of Technology became the occasion for an unusual and fantastic production. The base of the music video is the already iconic song by Mariah Carey, “All I Want for Christmas Is You.

Choir conductor Sylwia Fabiańczyk – Makuch perfectly combined the Szczecin version of the song with the production of “That’s What Love Is.”

In addition to the choristers, the music video features the President of the City of Szczecin Piotr Krzystek, Marshall of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Olgierd Geblewicz, Rector of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin Wojciech Slączka in an unusual appearance. Well-known Szczecin artists took part in the project: Michał Janicki, Sylwia Różycka, Damian Ukeje, Bartek Orłowski of Akukulele and the band “Szczecinianie”.

The main characters are Christmas Szczecin with love in many scenes.

This is a fantastic gift for all residents of Szczecin.

More information:

and you can watch here:\

This year’s third edition of the Week of Senior Initiatives makes it clear how important this event has become, which is likely to become a permanent fixture in Szczecin’s schedule of annual cultural events. 

This year, from September 11 to 17, there will be about a hundred different events in virtually every part of the city. Exhibitions of paintings, “open doors” to many institutions, sacred events, but also Nording Walking classes, learning how to use a smartphone, the basis of English for Seniors, trade fairs of companies that target the silver-haired, but also dances – these are just some of the proposals that the coming week brings.

Activities, meetings, competitions will take place in various parts of Szczecin, and all of them are free of charge for its participants.


There has never been such a run before. A brand new route for a special occasion. During this year’s 5th Szczecin Independence Run, runners will be able to tackle industrial port areas.

There will be 5 kilometers to run in a unique scenery. The first kilometers will be run along the Szczecin boulevards. The contestants will run towards the Bosmanat at Bulwar Gdyński, then returning towards the North East Marina on Grodzka Island, go around the building of the marina and run along Tadeusza Wendy Street to the grounds of the “Gryf” Logistics Center. There, they will traverse the Bulgarian Wharf to return under the Dźwigozaury along the former Wendy Street, surrounded by historic buildings.

The competition will take place on November 11 at 3 p.m. A maximum of 300 athletes will be able to compete at the start line. A children’s competition is also scheduled for that day. The Little Pole Run will start at 1:30 p.m. The youngest runners will compete in different age groups and at different distances.

Starting packages for both runs, i.e. the Szczecin Independence Run and the Little Pole Run, can be purchased via In addition to starting numbers and electronic timing, the runners will also find goodies in their packages. And after crossing the finish line, they will receive commemorative medals.

For more details, please visit

This year’s third edition of the Week of Senior Initiatives makes it clear how important this event has become, which is likely to become a permanent fixture in Szczecin’s schedule of annual cultural events. 

This year, from September 11 to 17, there will be about a hundred different events in virtually every part of the city. Exhibitions of paintings, “open doors” to many institutions, sacred events, but also Nording Walking classes, learning how to use a smartphone, the basis of English for Seniors, trade fairs of companies that target the silver-haired, but also dances – these are just some of the proposals that the coming week brings.

Activities, meetings, competitions will take place in various parts of Szczecin, and all of them are free of charge for its participants.


The city’s most important streets and squares, more than 90 exhibitors, more than three weeks of unique pre-Christmas atmosphere, a whole lot of gingerbread, forest-smelling Christmas trees, tasty dumplings and warming drinks – these are a few words to describe this year’s Christmas Market, which will start on December 1. 

In the very center of Szczecin we will be able to sing, have fun, prepare Christmas decorations, taste regional products and meet with Santa Claus and his elves. The Szczecin Christmas Fair will traditionally appear in Kwiatowa Avenue, Adamowicz Square and Aviators Square. The wooden houses, will host exhibitors from all over Poland. Visitors will be able to buy: handmade Christmas decorations, centerpieces, baubles, small gifts, but also tasty and regional products – cold cuts, cheeses, breads, preserves and honey. There will also be sweet baked goods or Christmas dishes. And all this while enjoying mulled wine and hot chocolate.

This year the Fair will also appear in a new location. The downtown section of Wojska Polskiego Avenue will for three weeks turn into a space where Christmas will be felt at every corner. 20 wooden houses, and in them local exhibitors, Famous Brands, but also entrepreneurs from different regions of Poland with their products will be waiting for visitors 7 days a week. The new avenue will be a must-visit place before the holidays.

More information: 

Szczecin TBS is recruiting people willing to participate in the cost of building apartments for rent. The units are being built as part of the revitalization of Quarter 36. 

Quarter 36 is located in Szczecin within the area of Bohaterów Getta Warszawskiego, Księcia Bogusława X, Małkowskiego, Bł Królowej Jadwigi streets. Currently, the interior of the Quarter is undergoing comprehensive reconstruction.

Those who contribute to the construction costs of the apartments will become tenants once they are built. TBS offers 14 units including: 8 one-room units of 35.39 sqm, three two-room small ones ( 46.93 sqm) and three two-room large ones (53.06 sqm).

The recruitment is taking place in accordance with the rules published on the company’s website:

Applications from those interested in participating in the project will be accepted on October 31, 2023. Documents should be submitted in person from 10 am to 3:30 pm at the office of Szczecin TBS at 45/U2 Królowej Jadwigi Street.


SANUS PER AQUA, or healing through water. The beneficial effect of water on the human body is appreciated all over the world. 

Residents of Szczecin and the surrounding area can hardly wait for the opening of the Water Factory – that is, a swimming pool and educational complex. The facility will be one of the most modern in Poland. It is difficult to list all the attractions that will soon be available for use. The Szczecin Aquapark will include, among others, 17 indoor pools. In addition, outside, in addition to the pools, there will be a beach, a volleyball court, and an amphitheater, which in winter can be transformed into an ice rink with an ice track. Lovers of a bit more excitement, will be able to enjoy one of the 11 slides. 

However, that’s not all! Saunarium with a wellness zone will take care of our health and well-being. There we will not only warm up, but also enjoy a massage and a beer bath, and cool down in the snow grotto or one of the cooling pools. Interestingly, both in the pool hall and the Saunarium it will be possible to… sunbathe. This will be possible thanks to skylights made of ETFE film, which transmit UV radiation and give access to natural sunlight inside the building. Bowling, billiards and a climbing wall will also be available.

However, despite appearances, the Water Factory is not only about recreation and sports.

Education is an important part of the complex’s activities. At the Water Factory Education Center, anyone interested will be able to take an amazing journey. Its route will be truly extraordinary and will lead us through the cosmos, the history of mankind and the depths of the seas and oceans.  The leitmotif of Szczecin’s educational center will, of course, be water. It is here that visitors of all ages will learn many issues and interesting facts about this most precious chemical compound.

The Water Factory Education Center features six thematic blocks – Space, Climate, Ocean, Human, Water Civilization, Hydroengineering. They will be hosted by virtual guides, whom I’m sure many people associate with popular science channels available on the YouTube platform. Between the blocks, visitors will move along the so-called Vortex of Knowledge, a spiral staircase, over which a huge model of a water molecule has been suspended in the central part, hiding an auditorium inside. Visiting the Center will certainly be made more enjoyable by fun and learning in the water gardens area, where it will be possible to launch a ship, create rainbows, water whirlpools and clouds, among other things. Also interesting for visitors will be the opportunity to visit laboratories and go down to the area under the pool, where, thanks to peepholes to technical rooms and mapping, visitors will be able to observe the operation of individual systems of water treatment, obtaining energy or heating.

More information: 

Sailing center – more than a marina! Is it really so? In our opinion, yes, but we encourage you to find out for yourself!

The Szczecin Sailing Center was established in 2015, and since then it has been actively working to promote water sports among children and young people. The facility, located in one of the most picturesque parts of Szczecin (around Lake Dabie), is an excellent place to spend time for those for whom water is an element, joy and challenge. However, under the watchful eye of qualified staff, “something for themselves” will also be found there for those who are just about to get a taste of the “sailing world” and take their first steps in it. 

The offer of the Szczecin Sailing Center, which is currently the largest and only sailing center of its kind both in Poland and in the Euroregion, is very wide. Among other things, those interested can take advantage of training as a yacht sailor or motorboat helmsman, a sailing school, a racing and tourist section, offshore sailing, and even a section for people with disabilities! 

If we add to this the various regattas that begin in spring and end in autumn, the operation of the marina at a high European level, numerous events and projects promoting sailing, we emerge with a picture of a friendly place for all lovers of water sports.

More information:

Throughout September we can still visit Szczecin accompanied by guides in German, English and Ukrainian.

Each September Saturday, the walk takes place under a different theme. Details on the various installments of the event are available at the Tourist Information Center, Visit Szczecin’s Facebook page or on the website

It’s worth hurrying, because places for the next walks disappear quickly!

Importantly, in the ticket price (PLN 27) all participants of the cross-border walks, for the duration of the event, will receive disposable headphones and a special tour guide receiver.

More information:

Both the geographic location of Szczecin and its unique character: low population density, abundance of greenery surrounded by water, openness of space, work-life balance attitude makes it the city that is closest in Poland to understanding the Scandinavian concept of “hygge”.

There are currently more than 160 companies with Scandinavian capital in Szczecin. Also stationed here are soldiers from Scandinavia with their families as part of the Multinational Northeast Corps, as well as Scandinavian students who appreciate the qualities of our city and the potential of the local universities.

The Szczecin Scandinavian House, located at 6 Monte Cassino Street, is a unique place that promotes the Scandinavian lifestyle and integrates the multiculturalism of the countries of the North.

The space of the Scandinavian House is open. This means that in addition to the meetings and conferences held there, the House is lent free of charge to residents for intimate meetings, workshops, courses, teaching classes, etc. It’s worth “taking a look” there and marveling at both the atmosphere and the amazingly renovated space of living in a tenement from previous eras.

More information about this remarkable space is available at

True spring aura is definitely conducive to various outdoor activities. So why not combine the pleasant with the useful and visit Szczecin on… a bicycle?

One excellent way to organize such a trip will be to rent one of the 800 city bicycles – Bike_S. With 100 stopping zones located on both sides of the Oder River (and not only! Recently Bike_S has also entered Kołbaskowo and the municipality of Dobra), it will certainly allow you to discover most of the most interesting corners of the capital of Western Pomerania.

Using the Szczecin city bike system is extremely easy. All you have to do is download the ROOVE application, register with it, fund your account and you can hit the road. The app, which allows you to rent a bike 24 hours a day, is available in four languages: Polish, German, English and Ukrainian.

All details about the operation of Bike_S are available on its website Users will find there not only detailed regulations and a price list, but also, among other things, a map of individual stations and instructions for the ROOVE application.

Holidays are a time to rest, play and spend time outdoors. The swimming pools in Szczecin have started the season and invite all citizens to use their services. 

The Arkonka swimming pool has been open since the beginning of June. Visitors to the swimming pool complex will find many waterslides, an artificial river, parking and catering facilities. 

Bosom of nature enjoyers can also take advantage of Dąbie Lake Beach, currently the brightest star on the map of Szczecin. Users will find, in addition to the beach, playgrounds, barbecue areas, carports, deckchairs and picnic tables. Dąbie Lake Beach, thanks to the illuminated promenade, is also a perfect place to admire the spectacular sunsets. 

There are also two other lake beaches with many enthusiasts: Głębokie and Dziewoklicz. Surrounded by greenery, they attract with their unique atmosphere and picturesque surroundings. We will find areas to rest, sanitary rooms, changing rooms and sports fields. During the summer season, food outlets are opened, and the little ones can go wild on the water inflatables. 

According to the resolution of the City Council, the bathing season lasts in Szczecin from June 15th to the end of August. This year lifeguards will be present on facilities until September 3rd because the first days of September take place on the weekend.

More information: 

Wiadomości Szczecin – Wszystkie informacje z miasta zawsze pod ręką.

Szczecin, like other major Polish cities, has many places to park a car in the center. The condition is to pay a parking fee. You can park your car in the more expensive so-called red zone A and in the slightly cheaper so-called yellow zone B. 

Parking meters are at the disposal of drivers, where it is possible to pay the fee both in cash and non-cash form. However, special apps, which make paying for parking much simpler and more precise, are becoming increasingly popular.

Parking fees are charged on weekdays between 8am and 5pm.

For those who work in the city center or are residents of the SPP, there is a wide range of more affordable subscriptions. There are also groups of people who are exempt from paying fees in full. This applies, for example, to the disabled, provided they have and insert a disabled parking card behind the windshield.

Penalties for non-payment of the fee are severe, so it is worthwhile to study the system in detail and read through the various appendices to find the best solution for you.

More information:

The Night of Museums is an annual cultural event during which galleries, museums and all cultural institutions are available to people during nighttime. 

Every year, the organizers prepare unique attractions and make normally inaccessible places available for visitors. There are concerts, workshops and performances maintained in the atmosphere associated with a given place. 

The whole city comes alive at night to celebrate. Queues in front of individual buildings confirm that we are sensitive toward beauty and art and need a spiritual feast.

In Szczecin, the Night of Museums will take place for the 17th time on the night of May 13th/14th, and it is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated annual attractions of the city. 

As part of this event, the City Hall will let visitors into the Mayor’s room, and the Mayor of Szczecin himself – Piotr Krzystek – will speak about the history of the interior and share interesting facts. 

In addition, visitors will be able to see an underground shelter, a session room, a wedding hall and a library.

źródło : Wiadomości Szczecin – Wszystkie informacje z miasta zawsze pod ręką.

Summer is in full swing, the heat has temporarily left us – a great time to explore Szczecin! The ideal partner for a trip is the Szczecin Tourist Card. A relatively small financial outlay – 20 PLN for the 24-hour version or 30 PLN for the 72-hour version, and we’re in for a power of attractive discounts. 

According to the Szczecińska Karta Turystyczna | Visit Szczecin

The card is primarily:

 – free rides on public transport

– 50% discount on admission to all branches of the National Museum and the Museum of Technology and Communication

– possibility to buy discounted tickets to tourist attractions, including: underground tourist routes, cruise ships

– discounts in pubs, cafes, restaurants and hotels

– discounted tickets and discounts on water equipment rentals and canoe trips

– discounted tickets for visiting exhibition galleries in the Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle

On this page you will also learn where to buy the card or which application on your phone to use in order to enjoy vacations in the city in an interesting way, but also without unnecessary costs.

This year’s recruitment for dormitories in Szczecin is still ongoing. A total of over 320 vacancies are waiting for those interested. 

Recruitment to dormitories is carried out for available places. That means that it does not include those who are already living in a dormitory and have submitted an application for continuation of their stay for the next school year within the required period. In total, students from outside Szczecin have over 1,5 thousand spaces available. 

On the website, in the “BURSA/INTERNAT” tab, the possibility of electronically completing the recruitment application with the required attachments has been launched. You can also view the offer of individual facilities and obtain detailed information on the schedule or recruitment criteria. 

Interested students can apply for admission until the 3rd of August. From the 9th to the 13th of August, candidates participating in the recruitment process must provide via email the chosen facility with a scan or photo of a school admission certificate. The preliminary results of this year’s recruitment will be announced on the 16th of August. Then, the qualified candidates will have time to submit a declaration of will to live in a dormitory (the 16th-the 20th of August). Importantly, as in the case of submitting a school admission certificate, this document should also be sent to the institution by email. The final results of recruitment will be announced on the 21st of August at 14.00.

Szczecin: Miejsca w bursach i internatach – Wiadomości Szczecin – Wszystkie informacje z miasta zawsze pod ręką.

August in Szczecin means many events worth noting. The most important of these will take place on the weekend of August 18-20. The grand event on the Oder River – Sails 2023 is the successor to the former Days of the Sea or Tall Ship Reaces. The festival of sails is a great family event with a nautical atmosphere, nautical attractions and the most beautiful sailing ships.

The biggest attraction is the parade of sailing ships, harbor vessels and yachts. The vessels will be available for tours and even a short cruise.

Sailing without shanties is like racing without wind. The shanty stage will be located at the Centaur.

Food trucks will also appear. This is the 16th edition of this nationwide culinary event.

Two amusement parks, the Fair under the Sails, the Kraft Beer Zone with craft beers and the City Summer Zone and Foodport and the first Regatta for the Szczecin Mayor’s Cup on Lake Dabskie are just some of the attractions the organizers have prepared for visitors.

More information:

Strona główna | Żagle 2023 (

On Tuesday, February 14, the call for applications for social housing will begin. These are low-rent
premises intended for most in need. In the last nine years, ZBiLK has rented over half a thousand
such flats as part of the call. This year’s first recruitment for social housing will start on February 14
and will last until February 28 this year. Any adult resident of Szczecin who struggles with the lack
of a flat and has a sufficiently low income can apply for renting such an apartment. For example, a
three people household may have a maximum PLN 3,537.68 income.
Other income thresholds can be found on the ZBiLK website. According to the Act on the
Protection of Tenants' Rights, social flats are renovated, but they may be of a lower standard (toilet on the mezzanine, stove heating). In turn, the rent in such an apartment is only about PLN 1.45 per m2, i.e. in a flat with an area of 35 m2, it will be about PLN 50 per month plus utilities (electricity, water, gas, etc.). Applications submitted by residents will be evaluated on a points scale. The number of points will depend, among others, on the period of residence in Szczecin, the number of children, the state of health and the living conditions in which you currently live.
Based on the scores, preliminary lists of submitted applications will be announced. People who do
not agree with the score will have the opportunity to appeal within 7 days. The Social Housing
Committee will consider all appeals, comments and complaints.
After considering all appeals, ZBiLK will publish the final list of people entitled to rent social
housing. Applications and detailed recruitment information are available on the ZBiLK website.
They can also be collected in person at the ZBiLK headquarters at ul. Mariacka 25. Completed
applications with attachments may be submitted to the ZBiLK office only between February 14,
2023, and February 28, 2023. If an application is submitted without mandatory documents, it is
considered incomplete and left without consideration. For information on this matter, you can call
the phone numbers on working days from 7.30 – 15.30.

“Full craziness” at the Museum of Technology and Communication in Szczecin. 

These are the words that visitors to the Museum of Technology and Communication in Szczecin describe the new exhibition. The Museum has so far been associated with the history of the automotive industry and interesting but static exhibits. From February 1, 2023, the space of the Museum was developed interactively and attracted crowds of visitors on the opening day. 

Motoeksperymentarium SMYK – because that’s the name of this project, contains 15 interactive exhibits related to the operation of vehicles or simulation of driving under the influence of drugs. You can carry out a self-inspection of the vehicle or experience a car crash in safe conditions. It is possible to program the station to see the difference in reactions and behaviours between a rested and tired driver. 

The optimum time to stay in the Motoeksperymentarium is up to an hour, as planned by the organizers. It is open every day except Monday. Free entry every Tuesday.

In connection with the pilot project of standardization of activities for families, possible to be implemented by local government units; the city of Szczecin was one of the first cities in Poland to receive the honourable CERTIFICATE OF FAMILY-FRIENDLY LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 

The Association of Large Families 3+ also agreed to obtain this title, appreciating the establishment of the Center for Family Initiatives in Szczecin. The certification process was accompanied by several training sessions addressed to young parents, and families with more children, workshops for fathers, and meetings regarding eating disorders. Not to forget spouses, for whom important were workshops on strengthening bonds and proper communication in marriage. 

Also significant was training for officials and workshop materials that will be helpful in further work for families.

Until 1873, the city of Szczecin had the status of a fortress, which significantly limited its development. After the change of this status, there was a period of development of industry (mainly shipbuilding), rail transport and dynamic expansion of the city.

Johannes Quistorp, the son of the royal commissioner, played a huge part in this process. In Szczecin, he served a year of military service, after which he stayed here until the end of his life. Johannes Quistorp turned out to be the providential man of Szczecin – then Stettin. He opened a portland cement factory, which was a hit in the construction market. He also commissioned the construction of a shipyard for the production of ships. He opened a steelworks and a place to produce barrels. He made a fortune but generously shared it with others.

He cared about his employees very much. He was the first to take care of their social needs. Many buildings and urban solutions serve the inhabitants of Szczecin to this day. Kasprowicz Park, the areas of the Arkoński forest, villa estates in Pogodno and Łękno, Jasne Błonia – the building of the magistrate – or Syrenie Stawy. Despite his huge fortune, he chose a modest place for his burial, located in the heart of the “Bethanien” complex, among doctors, nuns and the poor. That is where the Square of the Quistorp Family is located. 

On the 200th anniversary of the birth of the doyen of philanthropists, the Pomeranian Library has prepared an exhibition that contains many interesting exhibits of our beautiful city’s history. Photographs, postcards, documents – this is a collection worth seeing and comparing, what has remained to this day of the activities of an extremely important family of Szczecin.

The Large Family Card is a system of discounts and additional rights for families 3+ both, in public institutions and in private companies. The LFC holders have the possibility to benefit from the offer provided for by entities cheaper, among others, from the food, fuel, banking or recreation industry. The LFC supports large families’ budgets and facilitates access to goods and services.

The card is issued free of charge to each family member. Parents can benefit from it on a lifelong basis, while children – until they turn 18 or if they study, until graduation, up to 25 years old. In the case of children with disabilities, the card is granted for the validity period of the disability certificate.

Foreigners can apply for the Large Family Card, if they reside in Poland with their families on the basis of:

– permanent residence permit, EU long-term residence permit, temporary residence permit for the purpose of family reunification, temporary residence permit issued to individuals with a long-term residence permit granted by another EU member state, refugee status or subsidiary protection – art. 159 ust. 1 i art. 186 ust. 1 pkt 3 ustawy z dnia 12 grudnia 2013 r. o cudzoziemcach (Dz. U. z 2020 r. poz. 35).

– citizen of a Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with the right of residence or the right of permanent residence in Poland

Places that offer discounts are marked with a special sign:

„Tu honorujemy Kartę Dużej Rodziny” the list is available at:

Act of September 15, 2022 on special solutions for certain heat sources in connection with the situation on the fuel market – rules and the amount of a one-off benefit paid to people who heat their homes with coal or carbon-derived fuel.


– 3000 PLN – when wood pellets are used for heating,

– 2000 PLN- fuel oil,

– 1000 PLN – piece of wood,

500 PLN – LPG gas.

This subsidy is also due to a foreigner who has:

– permanent residence permit or resident’s residence permit,

– refugee status or subsidiary protection,

– residence permit for humanitarian reasons or tolerated stay,

– nationality of a country of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

Applications for this benefit must be submitted by 30.11.2022 r.

When is it possible to withdraw from the package travel?
A consumer may withdraw from a contract due to the occurrence of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances at the place of the package travel or its immediate vicinity, which have a significant impact on the implementation of the package travel or the transport of travellers to their destination. For example an epidemic is such a situation. In this case, the consumer is not charged with the costs of withdrawing from the contract. However, he is not entitled to any compensation or redress from the tour operator. The operator must return the money paid to the consumer within 14 days from the date on which the declaration of withdrawal has been successfully submitted. However, please note: the provisions adopted in connection with the epidemic require that the declaration is effectively submitted only 180 days after the traveller notified the office of withdrawal (Article 15k of the COVID-19 Act). Instead of returning the money, the office may offer the consumer a different trip or a voucher, but the consumer does not have to use this option.

The trip was cancelled due to the coronavirus. Are we eligible for a refund?
Yes. Pursuant to Art. 47 section 5 (2) of the Act on package travel and linked travel arrangements, if the tour operator is unable to perform the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, it may terminate it and reimburse all costs incurred by the traveller. The traveller is not entitled to additional compensation or redress. However, the tour operator must inform the traveller about the termination of the package travel contract immediately before the start of the package travel. The tour operator must return the money paid to the consumer within 14 days from the date of termination of the contract. Notice! The regulations passed in connection with the epidemic require that the package travel contract is terminated only 180 days after the tour operator notified the consumer about the termination of the contract.

The tour has been cancelled and the tour operator refuses to refund the money by offering a voucher, rescheduling the tour, etc.
If the tour operator has cancelled the trip, it is obliged to refund the money. If the tour operator proposes a different solution (a voucher or a different trip), the traveller may or may not agree to it. This can be an opportunity to get a good deal. If the consumer prefers to get the money back, he does not have to accept the offer. However, he will get the refund only in six months, because the regulations adopted in connection with the epidemic require that the package travel contract is terminated only 180 days after the information about the cancellation of the event was actually communicated to the consumer. After that, the office has 14 days to return the money.
Of course, these are just a few examples. However, it is worth remembering to consult the Information Centre for Foreigners in problematic situations – this is what we are for.


When living in Poland, you can sign up to the clinic appropriate for your place of residence or any other. To sign you need to apply to the selected institution with the choice of a family doctor. You will go to this doctor for a visit in case of colds, malaise, and also for a referral to a specialist doctor. You can also go to a private facility that has a contract with the National Health Fund and have a free doctor’s appointment.

Places that do not have a contract with the National Health Fund offer paid treatment unless it is suddenly threatened with life or health.
To see a doctor, you should have your Identification Number as well as a passport. If you do not have a Personal Identification Number, bring a certificate from Social Insurance Institution confirming that you are covered by health insurance (ZUS ZUA or RMUA). You can get this certificate from your employer.

In Szczecin, you can travel by public transport, i.e. buses and trams. Their schedule and routes can be checked on this page,wedlug-linii. In public transport, the following apply one-time temporary tickets, daily and multi-day tickets, monthly tickets, three-month tickets. Their prices can be found at:,bilety-orazowe and fees, tickets-term.

If you want to send money from Poland to your country, you can use Western Union money transfers. You can do this using your bank account or in a relevant agency.

Currently, most banks allow a foreigner to open an account in Poland. In some of them, you can only settle it in person, but more and more banks allow you to set up an account electronically. Before choosing a bank, check whether to open an account you must be a resident (have a registration) or whether this is not a necessary condition. Also, note that the documents that you need to open an account vary depending on the bank where you want to do it.

Below is a list of banks where you can easily create an account:

1. Account for a foreigner – PKO BP Bank
2. Account for a foreigner – Millennium Bank
3. Account for a foreigner – NEST Bank
4. Account for a foreigner – mBank. Good for Ukrainian.
5. Account for a foreigner – Santander

You can search for a flat to rent in two ways:

– independently via internet and social networking sites such as:

Facebook (here you can find various groups with apartments offers),,,,,, etc.

– using the help of a real estate office (choosing this option, be prepared to pay for this service – usually the fee is equal to the value of one month’s rent).

When looking for an apartment, pay attention to the total cost of renting it. Charges for gas, electricity, and other utilities are often not included in the rent. The amount of the deposit is also very important. Usually, it is equal to one month’s rent, but it can also be higher. The deposit is a form of security for the owner of the apartment – if you make any damage to it, a deposit can cover repair costs. If you leave the apartment intact, the deposit will be returned to you after the rental period.

Before you decide to proceed with a lease agreement, check whether the person who offers it to you has the right to the flat. This could be verified by showing a notarial deed or excerpt from the land and mortgage register. Check if the owner’s details it contains match those in the person’s ID.

To rent a flat legally, you should sign an agreement with the owner. Make sure that it includes such information as the equipment of the apartment, which the owner makes available to you and any damage that you have already found, as well as the notice period.

Off course! There are restaurants, shops, as well as cultural facilities where you can find offers also addressed to foreigners. Here are some examples:

Ukraineczka Restaurant – ul. Panieńska 19,
Chinkalnia Georgian Restaurant – ul. Śląska 9,
Georgian Cuisine ‘Imereti: – ul. Marshal Józef Piłsudski 31/2
Ukrainoczka – Eastern delicatessen – al. Independence 4
Helios Cinema – movies are screened with Ukrainian dubbing
Orthodox church – ul. Mickiewicza 43
Orthodox parish of St. Nicholas the Wonder – ul. Zygmunt Stary 1A
Branch of the Ukrainians Union in Poland – ul. Mickiewicza 45
Honorary Consulate of Ukraine – ul. Mickiewicza 45

There are holidays in Poland, which celebration is connected with public holidays. When do they occur?

– 1st of January – New Year
– 6th of January – Epiphany
– Easter (the date is flexible, but the holiday always falls on Sunday, in the second half of March or in April)
– Easter Monday (the second day of Easter, immediately after Easter Sunday)
– 1st of May – Labor Day
– 3rd of May – the anniversary of implementation the first Polish constitution, the so-called 3rd of May Constitution
– Corpus Christi – the date is movable, but it always falls on one of Thursdays of June
– 15th of August – a feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
– 1st of November – All Saints’ Day
– 11th of November – Independence Day
– 25th of December- the first day of Christmas
– 26th of December – the second day of Christmas.

In Szczecin you can receive financial support from the following institutions:


ul. Kadłubka 12, 71-521 Szczecin
phone 091 4427-100 (secretary), fax 091 4427-101
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 15:30 (the Customer Service Office is open from Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 16:00)
BRANCH OFFICE – ul. Kaszubska 30, 70-226 Szczecin
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 16:00
ul. Rydla 39/40 (a branch of the Szczecin City Hall), 70-783 Szczecin
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00
By correspondence: SZCZECIŃSKIE ŚWIADCZEŃ CENTER, ul. Kadłubka 12, 71-521 Szczecin

1. cash benefit for partial coverage of development costs and current subsistence in the Republic of Poland for the Pole’s Cardholders.
Persons with a Pole’s Card together with their spouse and children residing in Poland who after 1 January 2017 have applied for a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Poland may apply for a cash benefit of partially cover the costs of development and current subsistence in the Republic of Poland.
The application should be submitted to the West Pomeranian Voivodship Office. Payments are made by the Szczecin Pension Center.
The grant period and monthly amount are set individually in the decision of the Governor.
2. family benefits
1). Family allowance;
2). one-off childbirth assistance;
3). parental benefit;
3. care benefits
1). nursing benefit;
2). special care allowance;
3). carer’s allowance;
4). care allowance;

Foreigners are entitled to receive family and care benefits:
a) to which the provisions on the coordination of social security systems (i.e. having the citizenship of a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area apply);
b) if it results from bilateral social security agreements binding on the Republic of Poland,
c) who stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland based on:
– permanent residence permission,
– long-term resident’s European Union residence permission,
– temporary residence permission granted in connection with the performance of work in a profession requiring high qualifications,
– long-term resident’s EU residence permit issued by another EU Member State,
d) who have obtained refugee or subsidiary protection status in the Republic of Poland,
e) who have a residence card with the annotation “access to the labour market”, excluding third-country nationals who have obtained a residence and work permit in a Member State for a period not exceeding six months, third-country nationalities admitted to study or seasonal work, and third-country nationals who have the right to work based on a visa,
f) who are staying in the territory of the Republic of Poland:
– based on a temporary residence permit, to perform work under an intra-corporate transfer,
– in connection with the use of short-term mobility of a managerial staff member, specialist or trainee under intra-corporate transfer.
g) who are residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on a temporary residence permit, in connection with conducting scientific research or development works.
4. benefits from the alimony fund:
Benefits from the alimony fund are granted to foreigners:
a) if it results from bilateral social security agreements binding on the Republic of Poland,
b) residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on permanent residence permission, a long-term resident’s European Union residence permission – including that issued by another EU Member State;
c) staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with obtaining refugee status or subsidiary protection.
5. Educational benefit, the so-called “Family 500+” program
6. ‘Good start’ provision; PLN 300 awarded once a year to children and adolescents who attend to school
The right to parental benefit and benefits of the “Good Start” Program is granted to foreigners:
a) to which the provisions on the coordination of security of social systems apply,
b) if it results from bilateral agreements binding for the Republic of Poland
international on social security,
d) residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland for the benefit period during which they receive benefits from the maintenance fund unless bilateral international social security agreements provide otherwise.
c) who reside in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on temporary residence permission granted in connection with the performance of work in a profession requiring high qualifications if they reside with children on the territory of the Republic of Poland,
d) who have a residence card with the annotation “access to the labour market” if they reside with children in the territory of the Republic of Poland, except for third-country nationals who obtained work permission in the territory of a Member State for a period not exceeding six months, third-country nationals admitted in to study or seasonal work and third-country nationals who have the right to work based on a visa,
e) who are staying in the territory of the Republic of Poland:
– based on a temporary residence permit, to perform work under an intra-corporate transfer,
– in connection with the use of short-term mobility of a managerial staff member, specialist or intern trainee as part of an intra-corporate transfer,
g) who are residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on a temporary residence permit, in connection with conducting scientific research or development works.
7. “Caring voucher” is a cash benefit for families with children under 3 years of age
All parents, including foreigners with a regulated stay in the Republic of Poland with dependent children/children from the age of 12 months to the age of 36 months are entitled to receive a benefit of up to PLN 500 to finance the appropriate form of care chosen by parents.
8. Cash benefit called “Caring voucher: Alzheimer 75′:
Benefit paid in tranches of PLN 1,000 each.
Benefit have been realized since December 2019, the application deadline is up to November 2019.
All Carers are entitled to receive a voucher, including foreigners who have a regulated stay in the Republic of Poland, residing in the Municipality of the City of Szczecin, providing support and care to a Senior with Alzheimer’s disease.
9. Expendable benefit for the birth of an incurable or seriously handicapped child called “Behind Life” program:
The provisions apply to recipients and persons entitled to healthcare services according to the provisions on coordination within the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds.
10. Housing supplement with a flat-rate energy supplement:
Foreigners residing in Szczecin and having a regulated stay in the Republic of Poland are entitled to receive supplements. To confer the entitlement, it is also necessary to meet statutory income criteria and, if necessary, additional requirements regulated by applicable provisions.
Detailed information on the possibility of using the abovementioned benefits can be found at http://saż

ul. Gen. Sikorskiego 3, 70-323 Szczecin
tel. 091 4857-601 (secretary), fax 091 4857-603
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 15:30

The aid is granted depending on the place of residence by the competent local family support centres:

District Family Support Center “Śródmieście”, ul. Jagiellońska 62A, the phone number to the Customer Service Office: 91 48 07 020/021
District Family Assistance Center “Pólnoc”, ul. Strzałowska 9, the phone number to the Customer Service Office: 91 43 28 440;
District Family Assistance Center “Zachód”, ul. Abramowskiego 19, the phone number to the Customer Service Office: 91 46 46 160/161
District Family Support Center “Prawobrzeże”, ul. Struga 10/12, the phone number to the Customer Service Office: 91 46 68 046.


Cash benefits

• permanent benefit,
• temporary benefit,
• targeted allowance and special targeted allowance,
• allowance and loan for economic independence,
• help in becoming independent and for continuing education,
• cash benefit for maintaining and covering expenses of Polish language learning for foreigners who have obtained refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Poland,
• remuneration due to the guardian for providing care granted by the court.

Non-cash benefits

• social work,
• credit ticket,
• health insurance premiums,
• social security contributions,
• material assistance, including for economic independence,
• arranging a funeral,
• specialist counselling,
• crisis intervention,
• shelter,
• meal,
• necessary clothing,
• care services in the place of residence, in support centres and family support homes,
• specialist care services at the place of residence and support centres,
• protected flat,
• stay and services in a nursing home,
• assistance in obtaining adequate housing conditions, including a protected flat, assistance in receiving employment, assistance in development – in kind for independent persons.

A foreigner may apply for social assistance benefits:
1) who, in addition to living and staying in Poland, received a permanent residence permit;
2) who is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union or the Member States of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and members of his family, residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland, who have the right of residence, including permanent residence territory of the Republic of Poland.
3) who has refugee or subsidiary protection status;
4) who has received a long-term resident’s residence permission;
5) who has received temporary residence permission:
– for family reunification, being a family member of a foreigner residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with granting him refugee status or subsidiary protection,
– a long-term resident EU residence permit issued by another EU Member State.
Detailed information on the possibility of using the abovementioned benefits can be found at

There are some places in Szczecin where you can learn Polish. Special courses for foreigners are organized, among others:

  • The University of Szczecin – weekend course (120 hours in total) during which you will learn how to properly talk with the employer, what you can expect from your employer as a foreigner, how to speak correctly in government agencies, how and where to learn, and how to improve your professional skills. You will also learn about Szczecin, its history and culture, you will see where important institutions and monuments are. You can learn more at or by writing to
  • Safe Harbor at Caritas Polska – a Polish language course that lasts for 3 months, during which you will improve the communication skills necessary in everyday life and work situations. You will also learn about the history and culture of our country. For more information, please call: +48 515 402 273, +48 507 870 258.

If you want to come to Poland, you must have the following documents with you on the border:

– valid travel document,
– valid document legalizing your stay in Poland.

Also, Border Guard officers can ask you about the purpose of coming to Poland, request for confirmation of having health insurance for the duration of their stay in Poland, as well as funds for the duration of their stay and return to the country. If you are coming to work, you may be asked to show a document that proves it.

Also remember that even if you have valid documents, the Border Guard may refuse you the entry to Poland. This can happen if:

– you do not present sufficient documents to confirm the purpose of your stay,
– you have a counterfeit or forged travel document, visa or residence card,
– you cannot document health insurance,
– Your data is on the list of foreigners whose stay in Poland is undesirable,
– Your stay may pose a threat to public health and national defence or security.

If you do not want to pay the customs duty, make sure that the goods you carry in your hand luggage do not exceed the value:

– 300 euros – if you cross the border by land,
– 430 euros – when crossing the border by air or sea.

Below is a list of goods that you can bring to Poland with certain restrictions:

– cigarettes – inland transport: 40 pieces, in sea or air – 200 pieces
– alcohol, depending on its strength – between 1 litre and 16 litres
– weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes (if you come to attend or prepare for a sporting event). However remember, that before you decide to bring your weapon to Poland, you must first obtain relevant documents and also report this fact to customs institutions.
– gold and platinum foreign exchange – if the goods you want to transport exceed the value of 10 thousand euro, you must report it to the Border Guard authorities
– food – here the law is very restrictive, so before you bring them in, read them closely,
– pets – detailed information can be found here:

DO NOT bring intoxicants and psychotropic substances to Poland.

You can get to Poland using one of three options, depending on where you are currently: by sea, by land or by air.

Because the first option applies to the smallest number of people, we will focus on the other two.

Aeroplanes – both direct flights and flights requiring a change are possible. Due to travel time, it is probably the most convenient means of transport. You can check the selection of connections at:

You can travel to Poland also by bus. Available connections can be found at:,37307,75,rozklad-jazdy-autobusow-bus,szczecin,ukraina.html

If you want to enter Poland, you need to have adequate financial funds that will allow you to pay for the flat and meals during your stay, as well as to buy a return ticket. Having the right amount of money can be checked by the Border Guard when trying to cross the border.

The amount of financial resources depends on the length of stay:

– up to 4 days – minimum PLN 300
– over 4 days – minimum PLN 75 for each day of stay.

Besides, you should have funds to buy a return ticket:

– PLN 200 if you came from a country neighbouring Poland
– PLN 500 if you arrived from an EU country, not neighbouring Poland
– PLN 2500 if you came from a country not belonging to the EU and not neighbouring Poland.

To confirm your possession of the abovementioned funds, you should be able to show:

– traveller’s check
– certificate on the amount on the credit card issued by the bank that issued the credit card,
– certificate of having the funds on the account in the bank having its registered office in Poland
– certificate of employment and income.

As every year, another season of open-air cinema screenings begins during the summer. Cinema on deckchairs – as the annual event is called – will begin with a screening on June 27.

This year’s proposed repertoire is meant to encourage us to take action, to make brave choices and decide to make changes in life without fear, on our own terms.

 The organizer of the event-Szczecin Shipping-Tourism plans 10 meetings, which will take place every summer Thursday in different parts of Szczecin. More than 100 deckchairs, blankets and raincoats will be available for guests.

The full repertoire with titles of the proposed screenings and meeting places can be found at the link:

The history of Szczecin is extraordinary, and the story of this Woman shows that it was not for nothing that the city was called the Paris of the North.

The now defunct villa on Zelechowa Street in the 19th century was a center of culture, art, a model of hospitality and exquisiteness of Szczecin. The beautiful Mrs. Sophie Tilebein- of French descent , together with her husband ran this unusual place attracting the best of the best of Szczecin’s residents.  In the house standing on the corner of today’s Debogorska and Robotnicza Streets, concerts were held, there was a book lovers’ circle, tea evenings, drama evenings, salon quartet concerts.

After the war, for many years the ruins of the palace, along with fragments of the spouses’ tombstones, were located here under the ivy.

Once again, the current Szczecinians did not disappoint. The Szczecin SBO decided to refresh the memory of Szczecin’s distinguished patrons. Sofie, as if alive, sits on a bench in period costume holding in one hand the founding deed of her own foundation Tilebein Stiftung, helping poor girls in the other – the score of a piece dedicated to her by Carl Loeve – a Szczecin composer supported by her.

The installation is generating widespread interest and sympathy, and lovers of old Szczecin say it is just the beginning of a new life for the place.

We give you a hint! The matter is quite simple. The tree stripped of all ornaments, baubles and lights should be left next to the brown bin for BIO waste. Putting up a Christmas tree does not need to be reported or specially registered anywhere in advance.

Trees will be collected at the same times as bio-waste – once a week in multi-family housing and once every two weeks in single-family housing (according to a pre-established schedule).


The bicentennial of the choir of the Maritime University of Technology became the occasion for an unusual and fantastic production. The base of the music video is the already iconic song by Mariah Carey, “All I Want for Christmas Is You.

Choir conductor Sylwia Fabiańczyk – Makuch perfectly combined the Szczecin version of the song with the production of “That’s What Love Is.”

In addition to the choristers, the music video features the President of the City of Szczecin Piotr Krzystek, Marshall of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Olgierd Geblewicz, Rector of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin Wojciech Slączka in an unusual appearance. Well-known Szczecin artists took part in the project: Michał Janicki, Sylwia Różycka, Damian Ukeje, Bartek Orłowski of Akukulele and the band “Szczecinianie”.

The main characters are Christmas Szczecin with love in many scenes.

This is a fantastic gift for all residents of Szczecin.

More information:

and you can watch here:\

Szczecin smelling of chocolate to the sound of another musical postcard “Szczecin pastorale”- this is a proposal of young soloists from the Damian Wójcik Vocal Studio.

Beautiful views of our city “from a bird’s eye view”, President Piotr Krzystek with a Christmas tree “to the sky”, Monika Szymanik from Kamienica in the Forest, meringue from Hania Bezy disappearing in a flash-all lead us into what is coming up in a moment-the time of Christmas, time together, a bit of nostalgia and hope for the future.

It’s high time to wish all residents of Szczecin a traditional Healthy and Merry Christmas. We extend our wishes to everyone to whom our common place on Earth – the City of Szczecin is close to us

We are used to buying drinking water from the store in sealed bottles. We approach tap water with distrust and reserve.

On the other hand, supporters of tap water point out that the quality of this water in larger Polish cities (Szczecin is included in this list) in not different from most bottled waters, and often the mineral content of tap water is higher than in the most well-known brands. The economic calculation is also not without significance: 1 cubic meter of water, that is, 1,000 liters of water including the discharge of the same amount of sewage costs PLN 11. This means that for 1 liter of “tap water” we will pay only 1 penny.

The biggest obstacle to drinking tap water becoming a normality is low awareness and the belief that chlorination is still the main method of water treatment, and drinking unboiled water can lead to food poisoning.

The project, co-financed by the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Szczecin, aims to educate and change this way of thinking.

How. Where. What. H2O! – is the theme of the videos, which tell the story of how water travels to the specially installed 40 water drinkers on the grounds of the schools covered by the program. Drinking clean water instead of sugary carbonated drinks is intended to build good eating habits on the one hand, and carries such an important environmental message for our planet.

“Drink tap water” is not just about drinkers. Teachers have been provided with the materials necessary for education, namely sample lesson plans, an educational film, etc.

For the safety of users, the water in the drinkers is systematically tested.

As Patrycja Wolińska-Bartkiewicz, president of ZWiK, assures – this is just the beginning of the education of Szczecin residents.

More information:

The history of Poland has been difficult and turbulent. Poles were losing their sovereignty and had to fight hard to regain their country. This was also the case in the 18th century. Poland lost its independence for many years. Three partitions (1772, 1793, 1795) resulted in the division of Poland between three powers: Russia, Prussia and Austria. Our country disappeared completely from the world map for a long 123 years. These powers did much to make the word Poland disappear not only from maps, but also from the heads and hearts of Poles.

Despite such a long period of destruction of the Polish spirit – it was sustained and on November 11, 1918 Poland regained its independence by appearing on the world map. In honor of this great victory, Independence Day was established, which is a national holiday, a day off work and in every city in Poland there are many celebrations more or less official to mark this day and remind us of the strength that is in our nation.

This will also be the case this year in Szczecin. In addition to the festival, the Independence Run, film screenings at the Delfin cinema organized by the Marshal’s Office and many other attractions, an interesting proposal is presented by the Cultural Center of the Euroregion Stara Rzeźnia in the form of a sea celebration of Independence Day.

The celebration will begin on 11.11 2023 at 11:00 am.

More information:

Nine years after its opening, the building of the Szczecin Philharmonic was appreciated and awarded. As the only one from Poland, it was included in the list of 200 significant works of architecture in the world. The list was created by the global guide, authored by the Spanish Foundation of Contemporary Architecture. 

The design for the headquarter of the Philharmonic was selected through an international competition in 2007. The Barcelona-based design studio Barozzi/Veiga had the task of creating a suitable space for the philharmonic but also creating a modern building and a kind of icon. 

It was inspired by the organ – an instrument popular among many outstanding artists. Its shape refers to the Hanseatic buildings of the city. The Philharmonic stands out by the soaring tops and the aluminium structure of the facade. The construction works lasted three years, and in 2014 the building of the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin was opened.

More information:

Wiadomości Szczecin – Wszystkie informacje z miasta zawsze pod ręką.

The 5th of July marked the 78th anniversary of the Polish administration taking over the government of Szczecin. 

On this occasion, like every year, a joint celebration of the City’s birthday was held. One of the traditions associated with the birthday of Szczecin is the awarding of the honorary title of Ambassador of Szczecin. It can be received by people whose achievements contribute to building a positive image of the City. Interestingly, residents can also submit institutions or even movable objects (such as vehicles, ships, sailing ships, etc.) whose activities and reputation help promote the capital of West Pomerania. 

This year, the titles of Ambassadors were received by a sailor Agnieszka Skrzypulec-Szota, and the duo of DJs and producers of electronic music – Catz ‘n Dogz. 

Simultaneously, during the ceremonial session of the Szczecin City Council, the Medal for Merits for the City was also awarded. It was received by Prof. Tomasz Grodzki, a specialist in thoracic surgery and Senate marshal. 

In addition, as part of the celebration of the city’s birthday, another film from the series “Pytania o Szczecin – 5 Lipca” was made. This time, the material presents the history of the city. 

The production can be seen on the website: and on the Facebook page: Pytania o Szczecin.


Western Pomerania has been subjected to numerous tests. The position between strong neighbours: Brandenburg, Denmark and Prussia did not make it easy to maintain independence. The ruler who knew it best was Boguslaw X, coming from the old Griffin dynasty. Boguslaw’s fate resembled life during a storm. He fought, and he won, but he also lost. His quality education made him able to prepare his duchy for a confrontation with strong neighbours. He centralized the administration and established a court, a chancellery and the Marshall office. He limited the minting of coins by cities and based the monetary system on silver and gold coins minted by the ducal mint. He introduced direct property taxes. Logging in the duke’s forests was allowed only with a special permit, which brought considerable income. The prince also regulated hunting. He increased the number of soldiers, with the help of which he successfully fought robber knights and robberies on the roads. Trading flourished on safe routes, which contributed to the development of cities. He began to orient his policy towards Poland. In 1490, in Grodno, 

he made a pact with Kazimierz VI Jagiellon and married his daughter Anna. During twelve years of happy marriage, the princess gave birth to eight children, including five sons, who ensured the extension of the Griffin dynasty. However, Duke’s colourful and exciting lifestyle ended with the necessity to pay homage to the Holy Roman Emperor, and when Western Pomerania was recognized as a direct fief of the Reich. He fairly earned the nickname THE GREAT, and the monument at the Royal Castle in Szczecin reminds us of his fight for the independence of these lands. Regarding the above story, going to “Zamek” Cinema and watching the animated film THE GREAT JOURNEY OF BOGUSLAW X (which presents only one fragment of his numerous expeditions in an innovative formula) is worth considering. 

The right to access our medical records is our inalienable right. No medical facility that takes care of our health has the right to refuse us access to this documentation, receiving a copy of it or sending it in electronic form if it is kept in this way. As a rule, the right to issue these documents should not be associated with any payment borne by the patient. Also, the form of submitting applications for access to this documentation may not be subject to any formal requirements. Such a request may be submitted in writing, in electronic form, as well as orally and any form of its submission is admissible. 

According to the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of December 4, 2018, Act II OSK 3024/18 clearly shows that the entity that provides health services in the case related to the protection of the patient’s life should create the possibility of making this documentation available without a time limit. Any delay in this regard will be treated as a violation of the patient’s rights. In the event of death – the right to receive medical documentation is vested in the person authorized by the patient, the person who was the statutory representative at the time of the death, as well as any person close to the deceased at their request. A close person is considered to be: a spouse, a relative up to the second degree or a relative by affinity up to the second degree in a straight line (child, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws), a statutory representative, but also a person in cohabitation or a person indicated by the patient.

More information: 


Issues related to the acquisition of properties by foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland are regulated by the Act on the acquisition of properties by foreigners (Act of March 24, 1920) and in the case of agricultural real estate – by the Act of April 11, 2003, on shaping the agricultural system. 

As a rule, people from the European Economic Area (this area consists of the European Union countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and Switzerland are exempt from the obligation to obtain a permit. 

In the case of people outside the above area, i.e., e.g. people from Ukraine or Belarus, the situation is different and such individuals are obliged to obtain a special permit to purchase real estate in Poland. 

There are exceptions and exemptions from this general rule – so it is worth using the help of a specialist and getting an analysis of your situation.

An Application for a permit to purchase real estate in Poland must be sent to the following address: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Stefana Batorego Street 5, 02-591 Warszawa,Zakup-mieszkania-przez-cudzoziemca-w-Polsce.html

The Szczecin Civic Budget is a special type of public consultation whose aim is to involve residents in the decision-making process about how to spend part of the City of Szczecin’s budget. Every year, at least 0.5% of the commune’s expenses included in the latest report on the implementation of the city’s budget are allocated for this purpose. Task proposals that have successfully passed the verification are submitted to direct universal suffrage. Projects with the best results shall be implemented. 

Voting is carried out on city-wide projects, i.e. projects that will be available to residents of more than one district, for which 30% of the funds have been allocated, and local projects, for which 70% of the funds have been allocated. Thanks to this, every resident of Szczecin – regardless of the place of residence – has the opportunity to co-decide on spending funds from the local budget.

The amount Szczecin Civic Budget this year is 17.520 000 PLN

You can vote until 13 december at 12:00 

List of proposals for 2023, details and voting rules:

Szczeciński Budżet Obywatelski | Portal SBO (

In the Community law of the European Union, there is no legal regulation regarding the mutual “translation” of disability certificates, and the Republic of Poland is not a party to an international agreement allowing for mutual recognition of documents confirming the status of a disabled person from other European Union Member States. That means a foreigner living in Poland may obtain a certificate of disability or its degree based on the same regulations that apply to every Pole. 

A similar situation applies to refugees from Ukraine. Disability assessment teams do not have any specific legal solutions. They issue certificates of disability and the degree of disability concerning Ukrainian citizens based on the same regulations as for people with Polish citizenship. 

In this context, disability or its degree is always assessed on an application that should be submitted to the poviat disability assessment team in the place of stay. 

The application is accompanied by:

1) medical documentation, including a medical certificate of health, issued not earlier than 30 days before the date of applying,

2) medical documentation – for example, hospital treatment information sheets, outpatient treatment records, results of additional diagnostic tests, specialist consultations,

3) documents that may affect the determination of the degree of disability if we have such records, e.g. specialist consultations or psychological and pedagogical opinions.

Health-related documents drawn up in a language other than Polish should be translated by a sworn translator. 

If we do not have medical documentation, it will be necessary to go through the entire process of examination aimed to determine the cause and existence of the disability and its degree.


Powiatowy Zespół ds. Orzekania o Niepełnosprawności

ul. Starzyńskiego 2

70-506 Szczecin

The winter wave of refugees, caused by the war in Ukraine and its subsequent stages, is estimated at 200,000 to even half a million people. 

More people will come for whom basic, real-time communication in a foreign language will become crucial. That is why we present a new initiative of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Szczecin, which we recommend to every foreigner to help them feel a little more at ease. 

Language SOS phrasebook Ukrainian – Polish – English – German can be downloaded and used “immediately”. 

Common phrases for situations such as at the doctor’s, at the post office, at the office, etc., are a significant help for those who find themselves in a completely different reality. 

The outstanding group participating in the project assures that this is the basic version, which may be expanded in the future.

More information:

Like every citizen, foreigners can acquire an inheritance, both in the form of intestate succession and under a will drawn up by the testator. In this case, there are no differences between Polish citizens and foreigners. 

The only restrictions are related to the acquisition of real estate or shares in it, and not in every case. 

When a foreigner acquires all or part of the real estate by way of intestate succession, which by definition determines the order of succession for relatives – spouse, children, parents – in such a situation the foreigner is not obliged to do anything other than obtaining an appropriate document or the Court in the form of decisions or confirmation from a notary. 

The situation is different when a foreigner acquires inheritance, including real estate, under a will. Then, a decision of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Poland is necessary, which will authorize the acquisition of this real estate by a citizen of another country. 

Citizens of countries belonging to the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation are exempt from this obligation. In their case, the permit is necessary only for the purchase of agricultural and forest real estate.

 Dziedziczenie nieruchomości położonych w Polsce przez cudzoziemca 

More information:

The apostille clause is a confirmation of the authenticity of the signature on an official document drawn up in the country concerned. At present, such confirmation is very important, especially for Ukrainian citizens. 

Ukraine is a signatory of the Hague Convention, which means that there is no need to authenticate documents at Ukrainian consulates in the country of the document’s issue. A certificate from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is sufficient. In the case of school or university documents, legalization can be obtained from the Board of Education or the National Academy of Academic Exchange (NAWA). 

Many documents are ready to obtain an apostille clause for Ukraine. 

So are sworn translations. Authentication of a notarial power of attorney requires the seal of the President of the District Court. 

The document is legalized by being delivered, with an application and a fee of PLN 60, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

More information:

Apostille – Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych – Portal (

In a situation where one of the parents avoids the obligation to pay child support, it becomes necessary to refer the matter to court to obtain a court decision. This court may be both the district court competent for the place of residence of the child and the place of residence of the sued parent. 

In cases where the defendant is a foreigner, the case is settled by a Polish court if the foreigner resides in Poland. In this case, the court will base its decision on Polish law. 

On the other hand, in the document on the applicable law to maintenance obligations, the Hague Protocol indicates that the person obliged to pay maintenance and the person entitled to receive it may conclude a written agreement, choosing the law of a given country that will apply to them in a maintenance case. 

They can choose the law of the country in which one of the parties is a citizen. In the case of persons from Ukraine – decisions of Ukrainian courts on alimony are subject to the procedure of recognition of this document by the District Court. For this document to have legal force in Poland, a translated verdict of the Ukrainian court should be submitted to the District Court with an application for recognition.

In Polish healthcare, the first rung is the primary health care, a general practitioner. Such a doctor should be selected at the clinic by submitting a written declaration. We register for them, in case of illness, for periodic check-ups and vaccination appointments. As part of the insurance, you can also make an appointment for periodic health check-ups. The doctor will also write out prescriptions for permanent medications. When choosing a general practitioner, we will check whether we are covered by insurance. By entering the PESEL number, the system will verify our entitlement to free health care. 

It is recommended for whole families to sign up with the same doctor – it facilitates diagnosis, and the physician becomes our family doctor in the full meaning of the word. There are 269 clinics in Szczecin, 22 of which provide online registration. 

The next rung is the specialist doctors. These are, for example, ophthalmologists, neurologists, cardiologists, diabetologists, etc. Without a referral from a general practitioner – a family doctor, you will not be booked for a visit. Emergencies that require urgent help happen. In case of one, dial 999 – this is the emergency medical service number. Paramedics will arrive as soon as possible and decide whether it is necessary to transport the patient to the hospital. It is particularly important not to abuse this option. According to the current legislation, an unjustified call for an ambulance is punishable by a penalty of up to PLN 1,500 (the police may impose a fine, Article 66 of the Code of Petty Offenses).

The terms Black Friday and Black Week have appeared in Poland since 2015, and since then, the last Friday of November is when you can take advantage of many discount prices, both in traditional stores and online. Over the years, this day has become an important marketing event awaited by both sellers and customers. Retailers extended the deal by more days, and nowadays, we not only have a Black Friday, but we also have at least a Black Week. The highest discounts apply to electronics, clothing, footwear, and household appliances. 

However, it is important to use common sense and check whether “reduced” prices are truly so. All it takes is to compare the prices offered to us in stores with the prices listed on the websites. 

Some retailers inform that the goods purchased during this deal are not subject to warranty claims. It is illegal – no laws protecting consumer rights are invalid on this day. 

More information is available at the link below: 

In case of any problems, Consumer Ombudsman’s team will provide any needed assistance:

The lease agreement for premises should be concluded in writing and include, above all:

  • personal data of both parties – the landlord and the tenant, 
  • data on the subject of the lease,
  • any terms and conditions of the contract (duration of the contract, amount of rent, payment dates, termination details, etc.).

Practice and experience show that a detailed and thorough lease agreement means less hassle in the event of any dispute. It is therefore worth ensuring that the subject of the lease is described in detail by indicating:

  the usable area of the real estate (in accordance with the entry in the Land and Mortgage Register), total for all rooms, i.e. kitchen, bedroom, hall, bathroom, etc.

– address;

– detailed information about the furnishings of the premises – in this case, a detailed list of  furnishings is important, e.g. wardrobes, sofas, household appliances, audio and video devices, etc.

It is also worth taking into account the technical condition of the property – in particular, it is worth taking care to list the existing defects present at the time of signing the lease agreement. In this case, photographic documentation, which is often an attachment to the contract, can be helpful. The rental fees are:

  1. rental costs – this is the amount due to the owner of the apartment for rent, rent to the property manager and other fees, i.e. utilities such as electricity, gas, water.
  2. deposit – it is the owner’s security against possible damage or underpayment. The deposit is usually one or two times the rent and is returned in full after the end of the contract after the delivery and acceptance report of the premises and settlement of all financial issues.

You can look for a flat or a room for rent on your own without an intermediary – it is a cheaper option, but it is also a less secure one. You can also use the help of a professional real estate agency, which will ensure the correctness of the provisions of the lease agreement, however, it is an activity related to the need to pay for office services. It is also important to know that the information that is not be specified in the lease agreement is regulated by the currently applicable Act on the Protection of Tenants’ Rights, the Act on the Protection of Housing Rights, the Act on Municipal Resources and the Civil Code.

A properly drawn up contract should be made in writing with utmost care and precision in order to avoid possible unnecessary disputes in the future.

The contract should include such information as:

  • precise details about the seller and the buyer: name, surname, place of residence, PESEL number, NIP, type and number of the identity document and the authority issuing this document; 
  • date and place of conclusion of the contract;
  • precise details on the subject of the contract, i.e. the car’s registration number, VIN number, make, model, year of manufacture, engine number, current mileage, color of the car, its engine capacity; 
  • the price of the vehicle (in figures and words), the method and date of transferring the payment amount and the day and hour on which the vehicle will be handed over.  The indication of an event of a road collision caused by the buyer on the day of handing over the vehicle will release the seller from liability;
  • the buyer’s statement that he or she has become acquainted with the technical condition of the vehicle.
  • signatures of both parties.

After purchase, it is the buyer’s responsibility to: 

  • register the vehicle at the Civil Affairs Department of the City of Szczecin within 30 days from the date of purchase;
  • decide what to do next with the vehicle liability insurance policy –  it is possible to continue to use the seller’s policy or terminate it;
  • submit the PCC-3 declaration to the tax office and pay the tax on civil law transactions in the amount of 2% of the value of the vehicle within 14 days.

After concluding a purchase contract, each consumer may, by law, submit a complaint about goods that do not comply with the contract. The complaint is submitted to the seller since it is the seller who is responsible to the buyer for the compliance of the goods with the contract.

The goods comply with the contract when:

  • they are fit for the purpose for which this type of goods is usually used
  • the properties of the goods are consistent with what the seller or manufacturer publicly announces. Therefore, if the advertisement informs that the product will meet certain expectations – then a complaint can be submitted if the goods fail to meet the expectations

The complaint is submitted to the seller within two months from the disclosure of non-compliance under pain of losing these rights. It is worth using a traditional registered letter to confirm the fact that the seller has read the content of the complaint.

The consumer may request:

  • free repairs of goods
  • exchange of goods for a new set of goods 

The consumer should be informed immediately about whether the complaint has been accepted. It is considered that the complaint has been accepted in the absence of a response from the seller within 14 days. The fact that the replacement or repair is free of charge does not exclude the fact that the seller is also obliged to incur additional costs by the buyer – i.e. disassembly, transport, reassembly and commissioning costs.

When the seller rejects our complaint we can refer the case to mediation by the Inspekcja handlowa in Szczecin, Jana Matejki Street 6

  • Sąd konsumencki at the Inspecja handlowa in Szczecin, Jana Matejki Street 6
  • Miejskiego Rzecznika Konsumentów

Porady (


The purchase and sale agreement is our most “everyday” agreement. We conclude it in every grocery store, in the cinema, in a taxi, but also when buying furniture or a mobile phone. We buy both goods and services. We should remember that it is the consumer who chooses the product and decides what features it should have. In the Polish law, the consumer is protected as long as he or she takes care of his or her own interests. Therefore, before concluding a purchase and sale contract, it is recommended to read the documents we sign, because it is the totality of the documents provided that constitutes the contract. Mandatory information that must be presented to the consumer consists of such information as the: price, name of the goods, specification of the manufacturer or importer. It is obligatory for the seller to provide us with: a receipt, a bill or an invoice, a written confirmation of the terms and conditions of the contract and the instruction manual, if the purchased goods require such a document. The documents received with the goods should be kept – they are necessary in the event that the purchased goods turn out to be damaged or they do not fulfill their intended purpose. A sales contract concluded outside the business premises – e.g. on the street, during home presentations or remotely – e.g. via the Internet, gives rise to additional rights for the consumer and obligations for sellers. The seller is obliged to inform the consumer about his or her right of withdrawal from the contract.

By using this form of purchase, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without providing any reason within 10 days from the moment:

  • of concluding a contract – in the case of concluding a contract concluded outside the business premises
  • delivery of goods – in the case of a distance contract

In order to withdraw from the contract, the consumer is obliged to inform the entrepreneur about it in writing. As a result of such actions, the contract is considered void and the seller cannot deduct any amount for withdrawal. It is the consumer’s responsibility to return the goods – usually at the consumer’s expense.

In case of misunderstandings:

– Miejski Rzecznik Konsumentów

– Places of free legal aid,new,m2,131.html,585

There is no need to hurry !!

The changes in the traffic law will be painful for our finances.

According to the new tariff, the fine for speeding by 71km/h will be PLN2,500,000. We will have to pay PLN500 for having a conversation on the phone while driving a vehicle. 

Fines for violations against pedestrian safety will also increase. Therefore, we will pay PLN1,500 for failing to give way to a pedestrian who is currently inside a pedestrian crossing or is about to enter it’s zone. 

The driver who overtakes another vehicle at a pedestrian crossing will also pay PLN1,500. In turn, the violation of the prohibitions on overtaking other vehicles by the driver of a motor vehicle will be punishable by a fine of PLN1,000.

A fine of PLN800 will be given for parking the vehicle in a spot intended for disabled motorists. 

A fine of not less than PLN4,000 will be imposed for failure to indicate against the obligation, at the request of an authorized body, to whom the vehicle has been entrusted to drive or use at a specified time.

Link to the full list:,mandaty-drogowe-wysokosc-2022-taryfikator-przekroczenie-predkosci.html

Due to the current political situation related to the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the mass arrival of the country’s inhabitants in Poland there has been a rise in usury activities at currency exchange offices. In certain cases there were recorded attempts at exchanging the hryvnia at a PLN 0.01 rate. One hryvnia worth 0.01 PLN. Therefore, it was concluded that there is an urgent need for a intervention of the government regarding such cases. 

Recent news indicate that Ukrainians will soon be able to exchange the hryvnia for zlotys at a fair exchange rate and on simple terms – writes “Puls Biznesu”. It is emphasized that as early as next week, PKO BP will most likely be ready to accept hryvnia as part of the currency exchange agreed with the Ukrainian government. The bank is working on adjusting 50-60 branches in the country to buy hryvnia. There will be a limit per person in the amount of 

1.2-1.3 thousand zloty. Hryvnia will be purchased only from persons with a Ukrainian passport.

Pursuant to the Act on the principles of registration and identification of taxpayers and payers, the PESEL number is the identifier of persons which: 

  • are included in the PESEL register,
  • do not run a business,
  • are not registered VAT payers,
  • are not tax payers,
  • are not payers of social security and health insurance contributions.

In contacts with the tax office, the NIP number is used by taxpayers which:

  • are persons conducting business activity subject to entry in the CEIDG,
  • are persons who are not entrepreneurs (they are not subject to entry in CEIDG), but conduct business,
  • are persons who are not entrepreneurs (they are not subject to entry in the CEIDG), but are registered as a VAT payer or are subject to registration as a VAT payer,
  • do not run a business that is not covered by the PESEL register,
  • do not run a business as a tax payer,
  • do not run a business as a payer of social security and health insurance contributions.

Simply put – those  who work under a mandate contract or a contract of employment should apply for a PESEL number, which is a very important identifier in our country and serves to facilitate  identification not only for tax purposes. People who run a business in any form – will not open it without providing a tax identification number.  How to apply for a PESEL number, where to do it is explained in the next entry.

In Poland, there is an annual obligation to settle accounts with the Tax Office. It is a common obligation and failure to do so may result in penalties. PIT can be settled independently using the available tools. Here is a step-by-step instruction:

1/Select e-Tax Office on the website of the Ministry of Finance

2/Log in. You can do it using a Trusted Profile or electronic banking or simply enter your details: PESEL or NIP, date of birth, amount of income from the declaration for 2020, amount of income from information from the employer for 2021 (e.g. PIT-11).

 3/Choose your e-PIT.

4/Check your details. You can change the data, if they are incorrect, change the method of settlement (e.g. together with your spouse), indicate a public benefit organization to which you want to transfer 1% of tax

5/Accept and send the tax return.

6/Download the Official Receipt Certificate (UPO). PIT and UPO should be stored for 5 years. If the process is too difficult for you – you can choose an accounting office that will help in the procedure.

Remember ! in Poland, NIP and PESEL are very important series of numbers. There is a saying in Poland that you do not have to remember your name and surname – but you do need to know your PESEL. How to get it, how it differs from NIP – in the next entry.

A census is a basic research and data source for population statistics that aims to collect information about its condition and structure.
In Poland, this census begins on 01.04.2021 and is obligatory for all residents of the Republic of Poland – therefore also for foreigners.
Below are the guidelines for the census.

If you have any questions, please visit the Information Center for Foreigners.

More information – the census 2021

Among the foreigners residing in Poland there are people who have lost their jobs and temporarily losing their livelihood. The Guild JADŁODZIELNIA SZCZECIN organizes food for people in need. At the headquarters of the organization – Żółkiewskiego 4 Street, you can get food. It is also collected in cabinets located in the city of Szczecin.
JADŁODZIELNIA – local Szczecin, Żółkiewskiego 4 Street
Opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday (11:00 – 17:00)
Monday and Saturday (9:30 – 12:00)
1) At the guild Stołczyn po Sąsiedzku, Nad Odrą 18 Street, Stołczyn – open 24h/7
2) Czarnogórska 68 Street, Szczecin-Dąbie – open 24h/7
3) Market Zdroje, Młodzieży Polskiej 26B Street – open until 18:00, then gifts can be left at the lodge
4) At the estate council Śródmieście Zachód, Władysława Łokietka 22 Street (from the backyard) – open 24h/7
5) Szczecińska 12 Street, at the Dom Sąsiedzki – Centrum Aktywności Lokalnej, Warszewo – open 24h/7
6) Św. Ducha Street/bus station Stare Miasto – open 24h/7
7) Bazar Smakoszy, Off Marina.

The Academy of Cultural Educators (Akademia Edukatorów i Edukatorek Kulturowych, AEK) is a training course for foreigners living in Poland to prepare them for the activities in the field of (inter)cultural education.

The participants of the Academy will gain knowledge and skills necessary for conducting educational activities related to their culture and intercultural phenomena, as well as for organizing cultural events.

Link about course information –

To receive a booklet for sanitary and epidemiological purposes, first, you need to go to the sanitary and epidemiological station (ul. Wincentego Pola 6, al. Wojska Polskiego 160, ul. Spedytorska 6/7), where the faeces samples will be examined for Salmonella and Shigella sticks and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Samples should be delivered from three consecutive days. Results waiting time is several days, and the cost of the test is about PLN 100. The result should be presented to a doctor of occupational medicine or primary care who can refer you for additional tests. Based on the results of all tests, the doctor issues a certificate of suitability for work or not. Depending on the type of work you are doing, your doctor will decide when you should repeat your examination.

In Poland, compulsory vaccinations apply to children and young people up to 19 years of age, as well as people particularly vulnerable to illness (students of medical universities, healthcare workers, employees of veterinary services).

Obligatory vaccinations in our country include one against tuberculosis, pneumococcal infections, diphtheria, pertussis, polio (poliomyelitis), measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis B, infections against Haemophilus influenzae type B.

To find out about the vaccination calendar, ask your family doctor about it when you visit the clinic. Mandatory vaccinations are free.

Below you will find a list of offices and tips on what issues you can handle in them:

– West Pomeranian Voivodship Office – here you can apply for a temporary or permanent residence card, an invitation, benefits for people who have a Pole’s Card and have applied for permanent residence

– Szczecin City Hall – here you can, among others, register your car, apply for a temporary or permanent report, apply for a Personal Identification Number, obtain a driving license, report the birth of a child

– Labor Office – in this office you can report the end of work based on a declaration of entrusting the performance of work

– Civil Registry Office – to find out what formalities you must fulfil to get married.

If you are planning to stay in Poland for over 30 days, you are required to register in within 4 days of your arrival. You can register when you have a flat rental contract. For your visit to the Office, you should prepare: a renting agreement, a valid passport with a document that legalizes your stay, a completed form (if you want to register for a period longer than 3 months, registration for a period shorter than 3 months is made orally). Some offices also require the written agreement of registration in the flat from its owner or his / her appearance. Confirmation of registration is issued immediately and it is free.

The purpose of this program is to create in Szczecin and partner municipalities a friendly living space for families with children and senior citizens by eliminating differences between residents and creating conditions for using various forms of preferences, discounts and amenities.

There are two types of cards entitling to receive discounts as a part of the Program:

– Szczecin Family Card (SKR [pl]) is addressed to families, including foreigners who have a regulated stay in Szczecin and who have at least two children in a family.
SKR provides access on preferential terms to municipal cultural institutions, sports and recreation facilities, public transport and childcare in the city
– Szczecin Senior Card (SKS [pl]) is addressed to seniors over 65 years of age, including foreigners who have a legally regulated stay in Szczecin, and offers access to favourable cultural conditions to municipal cultural institutions, rehabilitation and wellness, as well as discounts, concessions and free offers at selected service and commercial points in the city.

Applications for SKR and SKS cards should be submitted to the Customer Service Office of the Szczecin City Hall, pl. Armii Krajowej 1 or in a branch of the Szczecin City Hall at ul. Rydla 39.
Phone 91 4245 931, fax. 91 4245 322, email:

Detailed information on the possibility of participating in the Program can be found at

We remind you that in connection with the current epidemiological situation, amendments to the law came into force providing for, inter alia, special solutions for foreigners in Poland. The current regulations allow people who want to pursue their current purpose of stay or cannot leave Poland due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus to stay legally in the country.

More information – Coronavirus outbreak – special solutions for foreigners

We have bad news for you – we live in strange pandemic times.
?Next lockdown from 27.03 to 09.04 ⛔

? Trade – furniture store and construction store of the area bigger than ​​2000 m2 – closed.

? Retail, market, post office – 1 person per 20 m2.

? Hairdressing salons, beauty and cosmetics salons – closed.

? Nurseries and kindergartens – closed. The exception – children of medics and children of law enforcement service.

❗ Learning in grades 1-3 only remote

❗Closed – hotels (except workers’ hotels and business trips)

❗ Closed – cinemas, theaters, art galleries, museums, casinos

❗ The activities of shopping center are limited

❗ Closed – swimming pools, saunas, solariums and sports facilities

✅ Churches stay open. There is a rule of one person per 15 m2 of space

✅ Open – kindergartens and nurseries

✅ There is no movement restriction at the moment

Due to the spread of the virus, if there is a possible, the government asks for sending employees to work remotely.

In Poland, on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on the COVID-19 prevention method of December 31, 2020 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 10), protective vaccinations have been introduced as a method of COVID-19 prevention. Vaccinations are voluntary and free. Vaccinations against Covid-19 are intended for persons residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland, who turned 18 years of age at the latest on the day of vaccination, who are not vaccinated or have not completed documented vaccination.
The National Immunization Program assumes that Covid-19 vaccine can also be given to foreigners, who live in Poland legally, i.e. who have a temporary or permanent residence card. A work permit or a certificate of study is not required, because temporary stay does not always involve a work permit or study. The residence card, during its validity period, confirms the identity of the foreigner during his stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Lack of a residence card excludes the possibility of vaccination. A foreigner who registers in Poland for a minimum 30-day stay on the basis of a residence card, both for permanent and temporary registration, will automatically receive a Personal ID Number.

There is no division in terms of nationality during vaccinations. Vaccination stages are the same to foreigners, just like to everyone else: due to age or profession. For persons with Personal ID Number, a referral for vaccination is issued in the IT system automatically, in accordance with the vaccination schedule. In case of people without a Personal ID Number, the referral is issued individually by the medical staff of the vaccination center.

New safety rules apply from Saturday (07.11.2020):

  • learning in all classes in remote mode, min. until November 29 (including grades 1 – 3)
  • shops in shopping malls are closed (only shops with food, cosmetics, toiletries and cleaning products, medical and pharmaceutical products, newspapers, products for animals, renovation and construction products remain open)
  • cultural institutions are closed – theaters, cinemas, museums, art galleries, community centers, music fires, etc.
  • hotels will only be available to guests on a business trip trade in
  • shops up to 100m2 – 1 person per 10m2, and in shops over 100m2 – 1 person per 15m2
  • churches – 1 person / 15m2.

From October 24, 2020, new safety rules apply:

  • the whole country is in the red zone
  • teaching in grades 4-8 takes place remotely
  • universities and secondary schools conduct classes remotely
  • sports events take place without the participation of the public
  • the activities of swimming pools, aquaparks and gyms are suspended
  • the activities of sanatoriums are suspended (with the possibility of completing the ongoing stays)
  • eateries and restaurants – ban on stationary activities (only take-out and delivery)
  • in retail outlets with an area of ​​over 100 sq m, limited to 5 people per 1 cash desk
  • 50% of the seats or 30% of all seats may be occupied in public transport
  • limiting events, meetings, meetings and public gatherings to 5 people from outside the household
  • limiting the movement of people over 70 years of age, with the exception of:
    – performing professional activities
    – meeting the necessary needs of everyday life
    – exercising or participating in the performance of religious worship

The new school year 2020/2021 will not only bring new challenges to students. It will likely pose a serious challenge to people in charge of daily functioning of schools and educational facilities, i.e. teachers and headmasters. The COVID-19 pandemic makes questions and doubts proliferate. Is it safe? How will the school year be organised? How can we avoid crowds in school corridors? What if some student shows disease symptoms? These are but a few questions that are now being asked by parents, students and school staff.

Szczecin’s underlying objective is clear: to make it safe. A number of special procedures have been established to this end, inter alia, based on the General Sanitary Inspectorate recommendations. These will be put in place from 1 September in the city’s educational facilities. The appropriate procedures are expected to minimise the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This is why this year’s school work in individual facilities will be a bit different than it was before.

Below you can find the most important procedures that will be put in place in the new school year 2020/2012.

General hygienic and safety measures

– All educational facilities have been equipped with specialist disinfectants and touchless body temperature screening devices.

– You must have your mouth and nose covered when entering the school building.

– You must disinfect your hands when entering the premises of a given facility.

– Keeping a safe interpersonal distance is recommended.

– Methods enabling quick and effective contacts with parents will be implemented.

– Parents or legal custodians will be allowed to enter the facility only if their presence is expressly required to deal with a given matter.

– Information posters indicating the rules of procedure during the COVID-19 pandemic will be displayed in all facilities. Additionally, proper hand-washing instructions will be displayed in bathrooms and toilets.

School work organisation

– Entrance to the facility will be allowed through all entries. This will allow for potential crowds forming at some entrance doors to be eliminated.

– You must have your mouth and nose covered while in the facility (in all spaces except for classrooms).

– If possible, students attending a given class should have all lessons in one place. This will allow for students’ movement across the facility to be reduced.

– Classroom decorations will be cut to the minimum. Only the necessary items which can be easily and quickly washed and disinfected will be left.

– Airing of classrooms and other rooms will be frequently performed.

Rules to be followed while in the facility

– Students should not leave their classrooms during breaks. If this is not possible, a rotating breaks system can be introduced in individual facilities, which will allow for contacts between students attending various classes to be limited.

– Access to lockers and cloakrooms may be limited in the initial months of the new school year. It is of utmost importance that students bring to school only the necessary items. Jackets and coats will be taken to classrooms designated for students attending given classes.

– Canteens will be adapted to serve fewer students at one time. To this end, separate dining hours will be designated for students attending given classes.

– In primary schools with canteens school shops may be closed down.

– Drink bowls and vending machines will be out of service. Children should take enough food and drinks from home.

The new school year 2020/2021 will bring numerous changes. While apparently working in the ordinary mode, schools will indeed look a bit different. All our measures have one common objective    – to make it safe in this demanding period. It is of utmost importance to constantly have those indications in mind and follow them in daily life. Detailed information on the functioning of Szczecin educational facilities in the new school year 2020/2021 can be found on:

1. Border traffic

From the 13th of June 2020, Poland restored full border traffic within the internal borders of the European Union.

The right to free entry, exit and transit through the territory of the Republic of Poland – WITHOUT QUARANTINE OBLIGATION.

Our country’s borders, that are also the EU’s external borders, remain closed. They may exceed and only:

· Polish citizens;

· Foreigners who are spouses or children of Polish citizens or remain under the constant care of Polish citizens;

· People who have a Pole’s Card;

· Diplomats;

· Persons with the right of permanent or temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland or work permit;

· In particularly justified cases, the commander of the Border Guard facility – after obtaining the consent of the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard – may allow a foreigner to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland under the procedure specified in the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners ( The act of Laws of 2020, item 35);

· Foreigners who drive a means of transport for the carriage of goods;

· Citizens of the Member States of the European Union, a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and their spouses and children, to travel through the territory of the Republic of Poland to the places of residence or stay;

· Foreigners with a permanent residence permit or a long-term resident of European Union residence permit, in the territory of other European Union Member States, a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and their spouses and children, to travel through the territory of the Republic of Poland, to the place of residence or stay.

2. Quarantine

The obligation to undergo a 14-day quarantine is imposed on persons crossing the borders of the Republic of Poland, NON-EU.

3. Air and rail transport.

From the 17th of June 2020, the following was resumed:

· International flights from airports located in the territory of a member state of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the agreement of the European Economic Area, Switzerland or a member state of the European Union except for Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Sweden and Portugal.

· International rail traffic has been restored within the internal borders of the European Union.

· Travelling by train on international relations outside the EU’s external borders is still suspended.

4. Covering the mouth and nose in public places

The mask must still be worn, among others:

· on the bus, tram and train,

· in a car, if you drive with someone you don’t live with every day,

· in the store, bank, market and post office,

· in the cinema and theatre,

· at the doctor’s consultation, in the clinic, in the hospital, massage and tattoo parlour,

· at church, at school, at the university

· in the office (if you are going to settle some matter at the office) and other public buildings.

Additional places, where it will be necessary to cover the mouth and nose, will be determined by the Main Sanitary Inspectorate.

Exceptions. Where it is not required to cover the nose and mouth?

· In a restaurant or bar – when you take a seat at the table to eat or drink.

· At work – if you do not have contact with outsiders (e.g. when servicing clients and customers).

5. Assemblies and events

– Meetings and events of over 150 people are prohibited.

– Restrictions apply to the organization of assemblies, meetings, events and gatherings.

– Workplaces are excluded – employers will have to provide additional security measures for their employees:

· employees must wear gloves or need to have access to disinfectant fluids,

· individual work stations must be at least 1.5 meters apart.

If an employer is not able to provide such a distance (1.5 m) for objective reasons – e.g. because the production line does not allow it – there is the right to withdraw from this principle, but only on condition of providing personal protective equipment related to combating the epidemic.

6. Sports and Recreation

Places that have been opened:

– Swimming pools – valid from the 19th of June (audience participation), pools opened from the 6th of June.

· The object can be visited by as many people as half of the object’s occupancy.

· There can be no more than 4 people on the track.

· In outdoor pools, the audience can occupy every fourth place in the audience (alternately in rows). If there are no designated places, the maximum number of people on the audience is 25% of an anticipated number of places. In this case, however, there must be a social distance of 2 m. This restriction does not apply to the viewer who participates with a child under 13 years of age or with a person with disabilities, as well as people living together.

· At indoor pools still, no public participation is allowed.

– People doing sports do not have to wear face masks.

– Organization of sports events is possible up to 150 participants.

– There is no obligation to keep social distance, although it is recommended.

· In outdoor sports facilities (open or semi-open, with or without seatings for spectators), audience participation is possible. Every fourth place in the audience can be occupied, alternating in rows. In the absence of designated seats on the audience, while maintaining a distance of 2 m, the audience will be able to take no more than 25% of the number of places provided for it. This restriction does not apply to spectators who participate with children under the age of 13 or with a person with disabilities, as well as people living together.

· Golf courses, tennis courts, stables, studs and racetracks for horses, infrastructure for water and air sports – there is no limit of 150 participants.

· Players can prepare for the most important international events at Central Sports Center – Olympic Preparation Center. Currently, all Olympic Preparation Centers (Spała, Wałcz, Zakopane, Cetniewo, Szczyrk and Giżycko) are open.


Valid from the 30th of May, audience participation from the 19th of June.


1. Counseling at the Centrum Information Point, at ul. Hołdu Pruskiego 8, takes place from Monday to Thursday from 15.30 to 18.30.

2. Only healthy persons (employees / persons using advice who do not show signs of an infectious disease – cough, runny nose, fever, weakness) may stay in the Center.

3. Advice at the Center may be used by persons who previously arranged a visit by phone (+48 791 452 234) or via e-mail (

4. After entering the Center, each person obligatorily disinfects their hands, and also has a covered nose and mouth with a protective mask, visor, etc.

5. Employees and visitors of the Center must maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 m.

Starting from the 4th of May, 2020 following restrictions are lifted:

  • Persons working or studying just abroad – employees, students and cross-border pupils can return to work and study – they will not have to undergo a mandatory 14-days quarantine.
  • Shopping centres and supermarkets are open, but with a limited number of people and with no consumption possibility.
    Commercial facilities with a sells area of over 2000 square meter – shopping centres, supermarkets – will be opened.
    However, a limit of people is introduced. There must be 15 square meters of sells area on 1 person. Importantly, the sales area does not include a corridor surface.
    Warning! However, fitness centres and recreational spaces (e.g. playgrounds) cannot operate in shopping centres. There cannot be any places where meals are eaten on site (the so-called food court).
  • Hotels and accommodation will be opened but without swimming pools and gyms.
    Until now, hotels did not accept guests – except for people on delegations or at quarantine. This restriction is lifted. Accommodation services, also in hotels, may be provided on the condition that special safety rules will be maintained.
    Warning! The operation of restaurants and recreational spaces is still limited in hotel and accommodation facilities. Gyms, meeting rooms and swimming pools remain closed. However, hotel restaurants can serve their meals to hotel guests in their rooms. Meals just cannot be served on site.
  • Building stores opened on weekends.
    The current restriction of selling on weekends for large-scale building stores is lifted.
  • Libraries and museum
    The current restriction of operation of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities is lifted.
    Warning! Cultural institutions will be opened gradually and at different time. The executive management body of the institution will decide about the specific date of opening after consultation with the district’s sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Medical rehabilitation
    People who are sick and have pain may take advantage of therapeutic rehabilitation.
    Warning! Massage saloons remain closed.


Starting from the 6th of May, 2020:

  • Children of working parents will be able to return to nursery or kindergartens.
    The authorities running these facilities can open them, taking into account the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, as well as the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy.
    Warning! Concerning the current epidemiological situation, facility authorities may limit the size of the kindergarten group or limit the number of children under care in nurseries.
    Warning! A local government unit may close all nurseries and kindergartens on its area based on existing general provisions.
  • Additional care allowance is paid to parents when:
    – kindergartens and nurseries ale closed by the decision of local authority unit,
    – nursery or kindergarten cannot provide care within restrictions caused by COVID-19.


A progressive return to normality does not release us from following basic safety principles. They must become the foundation of our daily functioning. What should you particularly keep in mind?

  • Keep 2-meter distance from others in public spaces.
  • Obligatorily cover nose and mouth in public spaces.
  • If it is possible, work and study remotely.
  • Strictly follow sanitary rules in places where people flock (disinfection and keeping the right distance).
  • Quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected people.


Leaving the house should be kept to a minimum, while staying at least two metres away from
other pedestrians.
You can move in the case of:
– travelling to and from work (it also applies to the purchase of goods and services associated with business actvities),
– volunteering in order to fight COVID-19 (it applies to helping persons in quaran�ne or those who should not leave their houses),
– carrying out actvities necessary for everyday life (which includes, among others, necessary
shopping, buying medicine, medical appointments, taking care of relatives),

Important! 2 meters – minimum distance between pedestrians
We introduce an obligation to maintain at least a 2-meter distance between pedestrians. This also applies to families and members of the same household.
Excluded from this requirement are:
– parents with children requiring care (up to 13 years of age),
– as well as people with disabilities, those who cannot move on their own, people with special
education needs statement and their caregivers.



Children and adolescents who are under 13 years of age cannot leave their house unattended.
Only the presence of a parent, a legal guardian or an adult justifies their presence on the street and only in certain cases:
– travelling to and from work,
– volunteering in order to fight COVID-19,
– or doing things necessary for everyday life.



The ban applies to botanical gardens, zoos and Jordanian gardens.
You cannot use places for camping, shelters, and facilities designed to play with children.
It is also prohibited to use city bikes.



On the bus, tram or subway, only half of the seats can be occupied.
It is best when every other seat is left empty. If there are 70 seats in the vehicle, it can
accommodate up to 35 people.



It is forbidden to organize any gatherings, meetings or events for more than 2 people. This
restriction does not apply to meeting relatives.
Excluded are: workplaces.
However, employees will have to provide additional security measures to their employees. In any case:
– employees must use gloves or have access to liquid disinfectants,
– workplaces of individual persons must be at least 1.5 meters from each other.

If an employer is not able to ensure this distance (1.5 m) due to objective reasons, e.g. because the
production line does not allow it, he/she has the right to deviate from this principle, but only while
providing personal protective equipment to fight the epidemic.



Commercial activities in shopping malls can be carried out only by the following industries:
– food industry,
– cosmetics (except perfumes or beauty products),
– toilet and cleaning products,
– medical and pharmaceutical products,
– renovation and construction work,
– press,
– pet products,
– fuel.

Important! Medical, banking, insurance, postal, laundry or catering (delivery and takeout) services
can be provided in shopping centres. The so-called island displays are forbidden to carry out
commercial activities.



  • Shops and service outlets

Shops with a service area of less than 100 m2: there may be 4 people on one cash register or payment point at the same time.
Shops with a service area of more than 100 m2: 1 person per 15 m2 of this space at the same time.

  • Seniors hours

Between 10:00 and 12:00, shops and service outlets can handle only those over 65 years of age. In
the remaining hours, shops and service outlets are accessible to all customers, including people
over the age of 65.
Important! Petrol stations are excluded from the so-called “seniors hours”.
During those two hours (10:00-12:00), pharmacies can handle those for whom the purchase of
medicine or foods for special medical purposes is necessary due to the sudden threat to life or

  • Markets

As many people as the number of sales points multiplied by 4 can be at the same time in a market or a bazaar. If there are 20 sales points in your local market, up to 80 people can be there at the same time.

  • Post offices

As many people as the number of service windows multiplied by 2 can be in the post office at the same time. If the post office has 5 service windows, up to 10 people can be inside at the same time.




– People who have had contact with patients
– People who cross the border to work in the territory of a neighboring country, or in Poland
– People who have recently been abroad
– People who live with those quarantined

All coming to Poland from abroad must immediately submit to a 14-day quarantine! This is a very serious matter!

Breaking the quarantine rules is punishable by up to two years imprisonment or a fine of PLN 30,000!


Home quarantine is the temporary isolation of a person who may be a carrier of an infectious disease. This isolation aims to minimize the risk of the epidemic spreading. It means that the person who may be the potential threat is required to stay at home for a period of 14 days (even if it means not going to work), avoid contact with other people and not to go out for a shopping.


Leaving the house should be kept to a minimum, while staying at least two metres away from
other pedestrians.
You can move in the case of:
– travelling to and from work (it also applies to the purchase of goods and services associated with
business actvities),
– volunteering in order to fight COVID-19 (it applies to helping persons in quaran�ne or those who
should not leave their houses),
– carrying out actvities necessary for everyday life (which includes, among others, necessary
shopping, buying medicine, medical appointments, taking care of relatives),

Important! 2 meters – minimum distance between pedestrians
We introduce an obligation to maintain at least a 2-meter distance between pedestrians. This also
applies to families and members of the same household.
Excluded from this requirement are:
– parents with children requiring care (up to 13 years of age),
– as well as people with disabilities, those who cannot move on their own, people with special
education needs statement and their caregivers.



Children and adolescents who are under 18 years of age cannot leave their house unattended.
Only the presence of a parent, a legal guardian or an adult justifies their presence on the street and
only in certain cases:
– travelling to and from work,
– volunteering in order to fight COVID-19,
– or doing things necessary for everyday life.



The ban applies to parks, lawns, promenades, boulevards, botanical gardens and zoological
gardens or children playgrounds. The ban also includes beaches.
It is also prohibited to use city bikes.



On the bus, tram or subway, only half of the seats can be occupied.
It is best when every other seat is left empty. If there are 70 seats in the vehicle, it can
accommodate up to 35 people.



It is forbidden to organize any gatherings, meetings or events for more than 2 people. This
restriction does not apply to meeting relatives.
Excluded are: workplaces.
However, employees will have to provide additional security measures to their employees. In any case:
– employees must use gloves or have access to liquid disinfectants,
– workplaces of individual persons must be at least 1.5 meters from each other.

If an employer is not able to ensure this distance (1.5 m) due to objective reasons, e.g. because the
production line does not allow it, he/she has the right to deviate from this principle, but only while
providing personal protective equipment to fight the epidemic.



Commercial activities in shopping malls can be carried out only by the following industries:
– food industry,
– cosmetics (except perfumes or beauty products),
– toilet and cleaning products,
– medical and pharmaceutical products,
– renovation and construction work,
– press,
– pet products,
– fuel.

Important! Medical, banking, insurance, postal, laundry or catering (delivery and takeout) services
can be provided in shopping centres. The so-called island displays are forbidden to carry out
commercial activities.



  • Shops and service outlets

As many people as the total number of cash registers or payment points multiplied by 3 can be in
shops (small and large) or any other service outlet at the same time. This means that if a shop has
5 cash registers, 15 customers can be inside at the same time.

  • Seniors hours

Between 10:00 and 12:00, shops and service outlets can handle only those over 65 years of age. In
the remaining hours, shops and service outlets are accessible to all customers, including people
over the age of 65.
Important! Petrol stations are excluded from the so-called “seniors hours”.
During those two hours (10:00-12:00), pharmacies can handle those for whom the purchase of
medicine or foods for special medical purposes is necessary due to the sudden threat to life or

  • Markets

As many people as the number of sales points multiplied by 3 can be at the same time in a market
or a bazaar. If there are 20 sales points in your local market, up to 60 people can be there at the
same time.

  • Post offices

As many people as the number of service windows multiplied by 2 can be in the post office at the
same time. If the post office has 5 service windows, up to 10 people can be inside at the same time.




  • Application for a temporary residence permit

If the last day of legal stay and thus the deadline for applying for temporary residence permit falls during the state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, this term is extended until the end of the 30th days following the date of cancellation of the last state that was in force.

In simple terms: the deadline for applying for temporary residence is extended to 30 days from the date of cancellation the state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency status (depending on which status was last).

The foreigner’s stay will be determined as legally provided that application will be submitted without formal deficiencies within the term specified in the above point. The following provisions shall apply accordingly to: applications for the extension of a Schengen visa or a national visa, applications for a permanent residence permit, applications for long-term resident’s EU residence permit, applications for extension of stay as part of visa-free travel.

  • National visa

If the last day of foreigner’s stay based on national visa (“D” type) falls during the state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, the stay period on this visa basis and its validity are extended until the end of the 30th days following the date of cancellation of the last state that was in force; in the above case, no new visa sticker is attached to the foreigner’s document.

  • Temporary stay

If the last day of the validity of the temporary residence permit falls during the state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, the validity period of this permit is extended until the end of the 30th days following the date of cancellation of the last condition.

No residence card is issued or exchanged in the above case.

  • Work permit

If the last day of the period of validity of the work permit falls during a state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, the validity period of this permit is extended until the end of the 30th days following the date of cancellation of the last state.

The above provision also applies, mutatis mutandis, to decisions of extending work permits.

  • Declaration on entrusting the performance of work

If in the statement of work’s entrustment, which was inscribed to the register of statements, the date of work’s termination falls during a state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, the foreigner may perform work without needed permission based on this statement in periods not covered by it, until the end of the 30th days following the date of cancellation of the state that was last.

In simple terms: if the declaration validates during the state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, the foreigner may work on it until the end of the 30th days following from the date of dismissal of the last state.

Additional time is not included in the work’s limit opportunities based on the statement (i.e. 6 months in the last 12 months).

  • People who obligated to return

If the deadline of the foreigner’s obligation to leave the Republic of Poland falls during a state of epidemiological threat or epidemic emergency period, it is extended until the end of the 30th day following the date of dismissal of the state which was the last.

You would like to apply for:

  • extension of a national visa (symbol D) or a Schengen visa (symbol C)
  • granting a temporary, permanent or long- term EU resident permit
  • extension of stay on the basis of visa-less travel (applies only to citizens of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Honduras, Costa Rica,
    Nicaragua, Singapore and Uruguay)?

The period for submitting these applications will be extended if the deadline falls during the state of epidemic emergency or the state of epidemic. Applications may be submitted to voivodship offices up to the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the last of the above- mentioned states that was in force.


You stay in Poland based on:

  • permanent residence permit or long-term EU resident permit
  • refugee status or subsidiary protection permit for tolerated stay or for humanitarian reasons

and the period of validity of your residence card (or the “permit for tolerated stay”) ends during the state of epidemic emergency or state of

Your stay will still be legal because these permits are of an indefinite nature. Submit an application for a new residence card after the offices restore regular service.

You are a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) or the Swiss Confederation. Does the introduction of the state of epidemic affect your residence rights in Poland?

No, the introduction of the state of epidemic emergency in Poland, followed by the state of epidemic, does not affect your residence rights o r t h e ri g h ts o f y o u r f a m i l y members staying with you.

Period of your legal stay in Poland based on:

  • national visa
  • temporary residence permit

ends within the period of state of epidemic emergency or state of epidemic?

Your legal stay will be extended by law until the end of the 30th d a y fo l l ow i n g t h e d a t e o f  cancellation of the last of the
above-mentioned states that was in force.

Do you have to complete any formalities?

No, your legal stay will be extended by law. This will not involve placing a new visa sticker on your travel document or issuing a new residence card.

Expiry date of your:

  • work permit
  • seasonal work permit
  • declaration of entrustment of work

ends within the state of epidemic emergency or state of epidemic?

It will be extended by law until the end of the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the last of the above-mentioned states that was in force.


To ensure safety for employees and beneficiaries, the following changes are introduced in our city

Provincial Office in Szczecin – from 16 March 2020 at 10.00 until further notice, the service of not appointed persons will be suspended (ticket machines will be out of order). From March 17, 2020, customer service will take place only in justified, important matters, after prior appointment by phone or e-mail – Send a request to the e-mail address or call: e-mail:; helplines: cases of foreigners, legalization of stay – 91 4303728, 91 4303001; work permit – employers only – 91 4303498; Citizenship Matters – 91 4303779; matters of EU citizens – 91 4303779; entry of an invitation to the invitation register – 91 4303779

District Labor Office in Szczecin – direct customer service is suspended until further notice. All visits booked so far have been cancelled and new visits will not be arranged. Essential matters can be dealt with using the post office, internet and special urns present at the entrance to the office.

Szczecin City Hall – direct customer service has been suspended from 20/03/2020 until further notice. All visits booked so far have been cancelled and new visits will not be arranged. Essential matters can be dealt with using the post office, Internet and special urns.

Applications forms directed to the Office can be:

– Send by post to the address of the Szczecin City Hall pl. Armii Krajowej 1, 70-456 Szczecin

– Submitted via EPUAP platform

– Put into specially prepared urns, which are located:

At the entrance to the right-wing of the Szczecin City Hall on Pl. Armii Krajowej 1

At the entrance to the branch of the Szczecin City Hall on Prawobrzeże (City’s right side), ul. Rydla 39-40

  • If you are coming from Ukraine and you have a biometric passport or you are a citizen of a different country, who is taking part in visa-free travel – after the termination of your type D visa or residency permit, visa-free travel will start automatically (max. 90 days). It is valid in the situation when you haven’t used 90 days of visa-free travel during the previous 180 days (includes all Schengen area).
  • If you are a citizen of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Singapore or Uruguay, you can apply for an extension of your visa-free stay.
  • You can also apply for visa extension, but only if your’s stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland doesn’t exceed one year on a national visa. Send your application form by a registered letter not later than the last day of your visa validity.
  • Another possibility is to apply for a temporary residence permit, but at the latest on the last day of your legal stay – it is very important! Application form should be sent by a registered letter as well – you may point a special situation which is a coronavirus pandemic.
  • Termination of appearing in person and giving fingerprints at the Office appointed during the suspension of customer service will be counted from the date of resumption of direct service without any consequences for the proceedings.
  • If you have not applied for a temporary stay and you have slightly exceeded the period of a legal stay in Poland on a visa or visa-free stay – you can expect an understanding attitude of Board Guards (as the situation is new for all of us) and while leaving Poland there are chances that you will miss the consequences.

NOTICE!!! Lack of legal stay cannot be the reason why you will not be examined or admitted to the hospital because of coronavirus – all you need is just a passport.

Everyone is obligated to undergo examinations, and the lack of health insurance does not prevent it. Costs are borne by the state or an epidemiological station.

According to the established epidemiological threat status and the temporarily closed Poland’s borders, the prohibition does not apply (§3 (2) of the Regulation on the suspension of border traffic):

– spouses of Polish citizens,

– children of Polish citizens,

– persons with a Pole’s Card,

– persons who have the right of permanent or temporary residence in Poland or a work permit. Only in special and justified cases (other than the above), the Chief of Border Guard may grant entry. After crossing the border, each person will be checked, medically examined and subject to mandatory 14-day home quarantine. Non-compliance with quarantine may result in a fine of value 5,000 PLN and up to one year in prison.


Although you can leave Poland. However, due to the suspension of rail and air connections, this may be difficult. For this moment opened border crossing points e.g. with Ukraine are:

– Dorohusk- Jahodyn
– Hrebenne- Rawa Ruska
– Korczo- Krakowiec.

– Closed kindergartens, schools, colleges for 2 weeks period

– Restrictions on the catering industry (only takeout orders) and entertainment industry activities, restrictions in shopping mall operation

– Prohibition on organizing meetings

– The borders of our country for foreigners are closed for 10 days starting from Sunday 15th of March. All polish citizens that are currently staying abroad return to Poland. They will also be subjected to mandatory 14-day home quarantine.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are:

– persistent fever,

– tiring cough,

– dyspnea (airlessness) and breathing troubles,

– muscle pain, tiredness.

Scientists have also observed that those symptoms can occur separately, which means that even sore throat or runny nose should lead us to observe our health condition, especially if it’s getting worse.

If you observed any of the above symptoms in yourself or you have had a personal, close contact within 14 days with an infected person or you have travelled outside Poland to infected countries, you should:

Call the free helpline 800 190 590 of the National Health Fund, which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or a 24-hour emergency number to the nearest Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Szczecin the telephone number is: 695-112-000, or report directly to the isolation ward of Independent Public Provincial Integrated Hospital, ul. Arkońska 4, 71-455 Szczecin, tel. 91 813 94 40, tel. 91 813 94 59, where further medical procedure will be defined.

The new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus causes a disease called COVID-19. It can be mistaken with typical influenza, although it is much more contagious, spreads faster and there is no vaccine for it so far. It is transmitted by droplet, especially when coughing, sneezing or speaking. For most patients, the course of the disease is mild, severe complications occur in elderly patients, with reduced immunity and chronic diseases.

– People suspected of having coronavirus infection
– People who have had contact with patients
– People who have recently been abroad!

All coming to Poland from abroad must immediately submit to a 14-day quarantine! This is a very serious matter!

Breaking the quarantine rules is punishable by up to two years imprisonment or a fine of PLN 5,000!

Home quarantine is the temporary isolation of a person who may be a carrier of an infectious disease. This isolation aims to minimize the risk of the epidemic spreading. It means that the person who may be the potential threat is required to stay at home for a period of 14 days (even if it means not going to work), avoid contact with other people and not to go out for a shopping.

IMPORTANT! If you live in the company’s accommodation, you are obliged to inform the oficer on the border that you live in employee flats and cannot quarantine there! Then the services will assign you another quarantine place.

IMPORTANT! Under no circumstances you may go to work during the quarantine period. In addition, if you are in your apartment in Poland, all household members should also quarantine.

This is a serious matter that cannot be underestimated!

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