The manner, form and mode of complaint about goods that do not comply with the contract

After concluding a purchase contract, each consumer may, by law, submit a complaint about goods that do not comply with the contract. The complaint is submitted to the seller since it is the seller who is responsible to the buyer for the compliance of the goods with the contract.

The goods comply with the contract when:

  • they are fit for the purpose for which this type of goods is usually used
  • the properties of the goods are consistent with what the seller or manufacturer publicly announces. Therefore, if the advertisement informs that the product will meet certain expectations – then a complaint can be submitted if the goods fail to meet the expectations

The complaint is submitted to the seller within two months from the disclosure of non-compliance under pain of losing these rights. It is worth using a traditional registered letter to confirm the fact that the seller has read the content of the complaint.

The consumer may request:

  • free repairs of goods
  • exchange of goods for a new set of goods 

The consumer should be informed immediately about whether the complaint has been accepted. It is considered that the complaint has been accepted in the absence of a response from the seller within 14 days. The fact that the replacement or repair is free of charge does not exclude the fact that the seller is also obliged to incur additional costs by the buyer – i.e. disassembly, transport, reassembly and commissioning costs.

When the seller rejects our complaint we can refer the case to mediation by the Inspekcja handlowa in Szczecin, Jana Matejki Street 6

  • Sąd konsumencki at the Inspecja handlowa in Szczecin, Jana Matejki Street 6
  • Miejskiego Rzecznika Konsumentów

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