Public consultations on the revitalization of Stefan Żeromski Park

Public consultations on the revitalization of Stefan Żeromski Park are underway.

Consultations on the future of Szczecin’s second largest park have started in full swing. What is the park to look like? What functions should it perform? Why do we want to come to it? – Such questions are to be answered by the ongoing campaign.

As Ms. Gardener of the City says – the park is to combine natural, historical, and recreational qualities, all based on the identified needs of Szczecin residents.

That’s why it’s so important to conduct these consultations, because their result may influence the next stages of revitalization of this space.

The questionnaire can be filled out electronically:, at – then it should be sent back to

Its paper form is available – at the secretariat of the Department of Environmental Protection – Armii Krajowej Square 1 in Szczecin, room 385 – the survey should be dropped into an urn.

On September 28, the survey will be conducted in the park from 9 am to 5 pm.

On October 13, anyone interested can take part in a dendrological walk in the park – a gathering for those willing at 11:00 am at the Park Hotel.
