What are the assumptions of the “Szczecin id Family Friendly” Program and can I join to it with my family?

The purpose of this program is to create in Szczecin and partner municipalities a friendly living space for families with children and senior citizens by eliminating differences between residents and creating conditions for using various forms of preferences, discounts and amenities.

There are two types of cards entitling to receive discounts as a part of the Program:

– Szczecin Family Card (SKR [pl]) is addressed to families, including foreigners who have a regulated stay in Szczecin and who have at least two children in a family.
SKR provides access on preferential terms to municipal cultural institutions, sports and recreation facilities, public transport and childcare in the city
– Szczecin Senior Card (SKS [pl]) is addressed to seniors over 65 years of age, including foreigners who have a legally regulated stay in Szczecin, and offers access to favourable cultural conditions to municipal cultural institutions, rehabilitation and wellness, as well as discounts, concessions and free offers at selected service and commercial points in the city.

Applications for SKR and SKS cards should be submitted to the Customer Service Office of the Szczecin City Hall, pl. Armii Krajowej 1 or in a branch of the Szczecin City Hall at ul. Rydla 39.
Phone 91 4245 931, fax. 91 4245 322, email: boi@um.szczecin.pl

Detailed information on the possibility of participating in the Program can be found at www.pyszneznyrodzinie.szczecin.pl