Szczecin in 30 films 

The fighting for Szczecin at the end of World War II was fierce and caused a lot of destruction.

On April 26, 1945, Szczecin was occupied by the Red Army and on July 5 – Szczecin was officially handed over to the Polish authorities.

Szczecin is the third largest city in our country. The characteristic star squares have given the city the term Paris of the North. Szczecin’s Central Cemetery is the largest necropolis in Poland and the third largest in Europe. On Jasne Błonia grows the largest cluster of plane trees in Poland – a total of more than 200. In Szczecin there are as many as 15 parks, which cover a total area of 142 hectares.

“Questions about szczecin” is an interesting formula for showing the history of this city in an accessible way in the form of films. The series began on April 26. The creators anticipate 30 screenings. oraz na Facebooku Pytania o Szczecin.