Compulsory schooling in Poland

According to Article 35 of The Educational Law, attending school is mandatory until the age of 18.  Individuals who are not Polish citizens are required to compulsory education and benefit from the care and from learning in public schools under the conditions for Polish citizens (Article 165 above mentioned law). Students’ failure to fulfill compulsory education is subject to enforcement under the provisions on enforcement proceedings in administration.

Moreover, the law from the 12th of March 2022 on assisting Ukrainian citizens due to military conflict on the territory of their country (Dz.U. poz. 583) exempts Ukrainian students from the obligation to compulsory education and mandatory one-year preschool preparation. According to paragraph 15 of the regulation on the organization of education, upbringing, and care of Ukrainian children and youth issued based on the above act, students attending a kindergarten or school functioning in the Ukrainian education system using distance learning methods and techniques are not subject to the mandatory one-year pre-school preparation and compulsory education. In this case, the parent or the person taking care of the child/student submits a declaration to the commune competent for the child’s/student’s place of residence that the child/student continues education in the Ukrainian education system.