What to do if there is a problem with enrolling your child to school or organizing free Polish language learning?

People who are not Polish citizens and who are subject to compulsory education and study, take advantage of education and care in public schools on the conditions applicable to Polish citizens. These people are admitted to public primary schools in which the perimeter has been established due to the student’s place of residence. Pupils are admitted to primary schools other than those appropriate for the place of residence of the student, as well as to secondary schools only if the school has free places.

In a situation where, due to demographic reasons, which require conducting organizational changes in schoolwork, there is no possibility to admit a foreigner child to school, please refer to the Education Department of the Szczecin City Hall, pl. Armii Krajowej 1. Contact number: +48 91 424 56 43.

For students who are not Polish citizens, schools organize free Polish language lessons in the form of additional Polish lessons. Such classes are conducted individually or in groups in the scope that allows learning the Polish language to a degree enabling participation in compulsory educational classes, not less than two hours a week.

The weekly number of hours of additional Polish lessons is determined by the headmaster of the school in which these classes are organized, in consultation with the school management body.