Legalization of non-work stay

INFORMATION CENTRE FOR FOREIGNERS will change its current form!

Dear all ! After five years of working in the formula INFORMATION CENTRE FOR FOREIGNERS – help for foreigners will change its current form. In what form?  Where ? To what extent? You will find out soon. In the meantime : we wish you that in the coming year you will be able to realise […]

Polskie pochodzenie

Za osobę polskiego pochodzenia uważa się osobę które : – co najmniej jedno z jej rodziców lub dziadków albo dwoje pradziadków było narodowości polskiej Wykazuje swój związek z polskością w szczególności przez pielęgnowanie tradycji polskiej i polskich zwyczajów. W jaki sposób można zalegalizować pobyt cudzoziemca o polskim pochodzeniu ? Poprzez :  Ubieganie się o Kartę […]


The PESEL number in Poland is very important. Without a PESEL assigned to you, normal and every day life is virtually impossible in Poland.  Foreigners who live in Poland can and should register – then they will automatically receive a PESEL number. (the next article will concern the registration process) if it’s impossible to register, […]

What does the Pole’s Card do?

The Pole’s card confirms the foreigner’s belonging to the Polish nation, but it does not legalize his stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland. To come here, you must have a document legalizing your stay. On the other hand, having a Pole’s Card may facilitate the legalization of your stay. Thanks to it […]

Who can get a permanent residence permit?

A permanent residence permit may be attained by a foreigner who: 1. is a child of a foreigner who has permanent residence permission or a long-term resident’s EU residence permit in Poland and is under his parental care, and who: a). was born after his parent received permanent residence permission or long-term EU resident permission […]