Author: Przemysław Jerzy

Carbon additive

Act of September 15, 2022 on special solutions for certain heat sources in connection with the situation on the fuel market – rules and the amount of a one-off benefit paid to people who heat their homes with coal or carbon-derived fuel. Rates: – 3000 PLN – when wood pellets are used for heating, – […]

Flat or a room for rent in Poland

The lease agreement for premises should be concluded in writing and include, above all: personal data of both parties – the landlord and the tenant,  data on the subject of the lease, any terms and conditions of the contract (duration of the contract, amount of rent, payment dates, termination details, etc.). Practice and experience show […]

New regulations on employing foreigners

New regulations on employing foreigners 1. Extension of declarations deadline from 6 to 24 months 2. The simplified procedure for granting temporary residence and work permits concerns procedures for granting temporary residence and work permits, which were started before January 1, 2021 and were not completed until the effective date of the Act. This solution […]

Polskie pochodzenie

Za osobę polskiego pochodzenia uważa się osobę które : – co najmniej jedno z jej rodziców lub dziadków albo dwoje pradziadków było narodowości polskiej Wykazuje swój związek z polskością w szczególności przez pielęgnowanie tradycji polskiej i polskich zwyczajów. W jaki sposób można zalegalizować pobyt cudzoziemca o polskim pochodzeniu ? Poprzez :  Ubieganie się o Kartę […]

Changes to the government program “Family 500+”

From January 1, 2022, in accordance with the changes introduced to the government program “Family 500+”, the rules for the collection of applications for child benefit have changed.  According to the new rules, the service of accepting and examining applications and granting child benefit was taken over by the Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych), […]

Changes in the traffic law 2022.

There is no need to hurry !! The changes in the traffic law will be painful for our finances. According to the new tariff, the fine for speeding by 71km/h will be PLN2,500,000. We will have to pay PLN500 for having a conversation on the phone while driving a vehicle.  Fines for violations against pedestrian […]

The exchange of hryvnias will be safe

Due to the current political situation related to the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the mass arrival of the country’s inhabitants in Poland there has been a rise in usury activities at currency exchange offices. In certain cases there were recorded attempts at exchanging the hryvnia at a PLN 0.01 rate. One hryvnia worth […]


The PESEL number in Poland is very important. Without a PESEL assigned to you, normal and every day life is virtually impossible in Poland.  Foreigners who live in Poland can and should register – then they will automatically receive a PESEL number. (the next article will concern the registration process) if it’s impossible to register, […]

How to fill out the PIT?

In Poland, there is an annual obligation to settle accounts with the Tax Office. It is a common obligation and failure to do so may result in penalties. PIT can be settled independently using the available tools. Here is a step-by-step instruction: 1/Select e-Tax Office on the website of the Ministry of Finance 2/Log […]

We invite you to visit the official websites run by the City Hall, where you can find the most important local information in Polish, English, German and Ukrainian. Additionally, the magistrate launched a special website addressed to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. The above page contains, among others information on issues related […]